There is now a new Quebec government, the Parti Quebecoir. Part of their manifesto is the separation of Quebec from Canada. This is dominated by the need to stay French speaking, to the point that it's now a law that all English named companies must change their names to French. So, Kentucky Fried Chicken is now Poulet Frit Kentucky. Although that isn't a recent change, it's been called that for some time. But the rest are being forced to do the same or face massive fines. Quebec would never align with the US. If they can't stand Canadian English speakers, they are hardly likely to swop them for American English speakers. Should a referendum be passed, they would go it alone. Whether they would succeed is a wholly different matter.
To be frank, the U.S./Canadian situation is a little different. On a certain level I think Canadians resent Americans and the rather centric view Americans and the world have of North America. Most Americans see Canada as a sort of very similar little brother (not in a bad way), but as a whole don't think about them much. Canada on the otherhand, is completely inundated with U.S. culture/media etc. etc and to some extent are caught in the shadow of the U.S. (not in the bad way, again). This combined with the fact that most Canadians, as with most Americans and people in general, base their opinions of a population based on a small, loud minority (mostly through media/culture etc.) I've visited Canada many times and while I've certainly heard some people talk poorly about America (90% politics), it's nothing most Americans wouldn't say themselves. Even more amusingly, 90% of Canadians I interact with don't even realize I'm American. My sister has lived in Vancouver for seven years and loves it when some random co-worker or acquaintance will go off on some silly rampage about ALL Americans being stupid, fat, evil etc. etc. and my sister will then promptly tell this person who she's sat next to or worked with for months that she is in fact American. They always get flushed after this, being shocked that this seemingly normal "Canadian" girl they interact with everyday is in fact an evil loud mouthed American in disguise. In contrast, I don't think I've ever heard Americans at work criticize Canadians/Canadian politics because Canada has very little impact on American culture/politics.
Canada has some serious divisions. However, there are no Canadians who want to be united in a polity with Americans. America's own divisions are so deep and profound that I can't blame the Canadians.
I think you're right that the US has way more influence over Canada than Canada has over the US. I rarely think about Canada unless I'm watching TV and trying to guess if this scene set in San Diego is really Vancouver. But Canadians can't get away from the US if they tried. I can read as much about US politics in the National Post as I can from any US newspaper. So it's natural to be resentful in those circumstances. Natural, just not very logical.
I'll give it to the Canadians, they're better neighbors than Mexico. They're quiet, don't raise much of a fuss, and never knock on your door to borrow sugar. As far as Canada and the US being one country, meh doubt it. I'm sure canadians don't want that as much as we don't.
One huge difference between the two countries is their populations. The state of California in the United States, for example, has more people than all of Canada.
Theoretically, yes... But I don't see why Canada would want the United States. They're better off as Canada.
California is part of Mexico now. It's no longer really American except as a narrow technical matter.
California is a part of the United States, with the population of Mexico, with the leadership of Brussels.
The vast majority of Canadians would vote Democrat. Even Canada's Conservative party is left of the Dems. That would insure victories against the treasonous Repukeblicans! UNITY TODAY & FOREVER!!!
Granny says ya don't wanna do dat... ... would make it easier fer dem Cannucks... ... to sneak down by the full o' the moon... ... an' snatch people to live inna far north.
While it is an interesting concept, I doubt that bringing Canada into the US would work. Would all Canadian provinces become states? In view of the relatively small population of many of the provinces this would skew the US political system in a dramatic way. On the other hand turning all of Canada into one state wouldn't really work either. And obviously there is the issue of Quebec and its seperate identity. As long as Canada holds together, I think it will remain distinct from the US. Only if Canada itself were to break up do I see some Canadian provinces perhaps seeking to join the US, but never all of them.
Who wants to be part of that despotic cesspool south of the 49th parallel...they believe in perpetrual war, with everyone who does not agree with be careful Canada..those barbarians will take it over by force if you don't give it to them..but the good news it is on the decline, and going down economically fast with all that fancy debt financing through the bankers bank the federal the other countries of the world wake up and quit using US dollars as the reserve currency, it is the Roman empire..imploding...does not need anybody to invade...
You're's Obama's fault. Obama needs to stop his wars, and bring the troops home from Afghanistan now.