I do...China historically not been aggressive or overtly imperialistic. A very insular nation building walls to keep people out preferring to do business for profit rather than ruinously expensive wars.
so you never heard of hot house tomatoes and cucumbers? They grow in greenhouses in winter up here! Other veggies too!
essentially a diplomat sent on meet and greet tours of potential trading partners and allies. Really vile stuff compared to the benign colonization/imperialism practiced by the dominant European powers and the USA ... His voyages were eventually cancelled as they were ran afoul of an internal code of ethnics the Huangming zuxun. Imagine that.
whenever there is a freeze in florida oranges we just ship them in from somewhere else like mexico or chile!
I do recall when I was wee tyke long ago they would come in from Lebanon and Japan, much tastier than the American products at the time.
You don't know history either. Jesus...my terrier knows more about the history of the Han. The Han originated almost four thousand years ago in the Yellow River Valley. Their acquisition of the Chinese homeland resembled the American acquisition of the Old West by soldiers and settlers. They created the Middle Kingdom. All surrounding states were tributaries who kowtowed to those who held the Mandate of Heaven. They underwent a series of ascension and decline, only to rise again like the phoenix from the flames. Their greatest expansion was under the Tang Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty overthrew the Mongols of the Yuan Dynasty, and went on to expand in Central Asia through conquest. China today has territorial disputes with India, Vietnam, the Philippines, Japan, Tibet, East Turkestan, and South Korea. At this very moment Chinese and Indian armies are massed along the frontier of Tibet and Arunchal Pradesh. India is in the process of creating entire new army divisions to face the Han. The Han claim virtually the entire South China Sea. They seized the Paracel Islands from Vietnam by armed force. My wife's cousins have served in the garrisons of Occupation in Lhasa in Tibet and Uruqi in Xinjiang. Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns have been engaged in a protest campaign of self-immolation for over a year now. Uighurs get beat downs on a regular basis. It keeps them in line. China is colonizing parts of Africa. They are undertaking the fastest miliary buildup since the rearmament of Germany. But I do not fear the Han. I consider them friends. But I won't lie to myself about who they are. Have you not read Sun Tzu's masterpiece the Art of War? It's a political/military tour de force that has influenced generations. The greatest victory is to defeat the enemy without having to fight. That's how the Han have defeated America. Have you ever heard of the Battle of Cao Bang? Check it out: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECbhcqdIN5g"]China - Vietnam War 1979 ( Battle of Cao Bang) - YouTube[/ame] My father in law was a hero of the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir in 1950 during the Korean War. Never underestimate Han martial valor.
That's not correct. Again I refer you to Sun Tzu and the Art of War. There was a struggle between factions at the Ming Court. The faction that sought expansion in Central Asia prevailed over the faction that sought maritime expansion. The prevailing faction burned the logs of Zheng He's voyages. Btw, how do you think the Han Chinese community in Indonesia came into being? It had nothing to do with Europeans or Americans.
inter-tribal warfare of the Han is nothing similar to the American expansion of the continent...Dynastic battles are not Imperialistic conquest...border conflicts with neighbours they could roll over at any time is not imperialism... Vassal states is not Imperialism...having a Han wife does not make you an expert, I have one as well and I know more of China's history than my Chinese in-laws. you suffer from a severe case of IDS (Irrational Delusional Sinophobia) endemic to americans. and my Border Collie will eat your terrier...
Correct me point by point rather than engage in polemics and persona attacks. There is no need to accuse me of IDS. Point by point. Let's see what you've got?
If the invasion of other countries is not imperialism then what is it? Did the Tonkinese not fight Han imperialism for a thousand years?
I worked in Sprung Greenhouses in newfoundland for about a whole week, at the very least cucumbers do have issues. Went bankrupt after a few years.
dont see the relevance of your post...so a company went bankrupt, whats your point? My point was that in greenhouses you can grow a variety of vegetables!
Canada hits the number one spot on countries that Americans like. Americans feel love for Canada, Gallup survey finds Hey, Canada: Americans like us. They really, really like us. In fact, they like us better than anyone, anywhere on the planet. Nearly all Americans, a full 96 per cent, have a favourable view of Canada, according to a new Gallup survey. That's the loftiest ranking for any foreign country since Gallup began the poll two decades ago. America's neighbour to the north has long been the darling of the survey. "Canada's 93 per cent ratings in 1987 and 1989 were the previous high favourable for any country," the pollster said in a release. This year's love-in comes despite the Obama administration's recent decision to reject Calgary-based TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline, and amid a spate of lower-profile trade irritants between the two nations.
Indeed! We have countless buckets of it and continually empty them into the Canadian supply of drinking water destined for the US.