How come no one comment on my "ET could be angels or fallen angels" theory? Even if you disagree, I should get some comments, it is a good theory. Is it because my theory too advance? I think it is close to the truth. For anyone is curious for what I am saying, go to my post#120, in page 12.
Proabably because others are thinking extra terrestrial refer to something outside of what the Bible says God has created. I acknowledged that angels and demons existed, but that is not what others are thinking about. Much of your 'theory' also, is Scripturally not true. Quantrill
Indeed, and considering the numbers involved the love very limited indeed. Whats the other feeling then? Pity? Hate? Deep sadness? Contempt?
First, thank you for your reply! I wouldn't so sure about it is not scriptually true. Angels and demons are just words that we use to describe non human life in the bible in our limited understanding. Spirit is a life form. But what is spirit? We all don't know what exactly they look like for sure, how exactly they live, what exactly they can do. What if they have the ability to transform themselves into the appearance we see on alien movies? May be the demons have ability to change their appearace but limited, that's may be the reason they look so strange? Why can angels not have the intelligence to bulid spaceship to travel between planets? God may created the angels and put them in all different planets, and give them different knowledge, more be a more advanced knowledge to develop in their own planets. But anyway, it is just theories, we don't know until Jesus come back.
Indeed. So what would you feel for billions of people tortured for eternity for being sinners without actually ever having lived lives because they were sinners?
Because God has told us about angels and demons and what they do. And your theory doesn't fit. It's contrary to the Bible. That angels travel throughout the universe, I have no doubt. They don't do it in space ships. Of that I also have no doubt. Quantrill
All people that go to hell for eternity, go there because that is where they deserve to go. In eternity, its not going to bother me one way or the other. At this time I give the Gospel to all to come to Christ. Quantrill
LOL. So if you live an average moral life, and I kidnap you and torture you until you die I am a monster. But if a God does it to a person who lives an exemplary moral life that happens to not be a Christian, and does it ENDLESSLY, then it's deserved. This is why many people do not accept Christianity.
There is no good moral life as seen through God's eyes. All are sinners and in need of slavation. Thus all are justly condemned already. The only way out is through Jesus Christ. Quantrill
Indeed, but why dont you give even those deserving hell your love and the education they need to be better people?
Do you consider that babies are often evil people? Why is the only way to deal wiith evil to torture it? Isnt that merely a spur to more hatred?
Indeed so actions are irrelevant. All that matters is worship of jesus. Why isnt that just an evil viewpoint? Indeed all our known laws of the universe are truly interconnected, encompassing a sound system of logic. Yours however defies that and remains unconnected to any logic. Therefore it defies the very universe god created.
What do you mean? He never fell. In the OT he does his job for YHVH - which is testing people. The evil devil crap is pagan add on. BULL! The language doesn't change and words that have been translated "heaven" mean a hight - in other words raised himself in arrogance to a hight - and has taken a fall! LOL! The reference is not to Sa-tan! And "LUCIFER" is not even the word! It is HEYLEL, "shinning or bright one." Isa 14:12 O How you have fallen from a hight, O shining son of dawn, cut down to earth, overthrown/prostrate before the Nations. Isa 14:13 for you said in your heart, I will ascend the hights to the very highest, to a star/prince of God raise up my throne, and sit upon the mount of the appointed/assembly on the border in the North (Temple on Mount Moriah) Number 19 makes it very plain he is a human carcase. Number 11 also talks about worms over him - again meaning a dead human. Number 16 calls him a MAN!
In the Adam and Chavvah story - they are punished - and the only thing we are told enters the word as a consequence of their sin - is death - a natural consequence, as they are now fully human, and out of Eden - their children are naturally born in that natural world. Show me where in the Adam and Chavvah story it says their children are born sinners!
LOL! I translate the texts! Obviously you don't. NOTE where it says - This book along with Bible Threatenings Explained are excellent resources explaining those scripture verses that appear to teach a hell of everlasting punishment.
Infants are born sinners. As I said before this is God's arena and He knows who are His and who are not. Quantrill
Man has the tendency to call evil good and good evil. So, it doesn't matter to me what you call it. But it is the testimony of the Scriptures. No, it defies fallen mans reason and logic. But man is not God. Quantrill
No, Is. 14 speak to Lucifer, or Satan who rebelled against God. You are the one who is busy 'changing' the language. The word used for heaven is used for the place where God dwells. Ecc. 5:2 Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few. God is in heaven. Lucifer said he will ascend into heaven and exalt his throne there. Be a little more specific win giving Bible references. Give the verse number also. Quantrill
You distort and falsify the text. You then attach your intepretation. In other words you change what the Bible is saying. Quantrill
LOL! Let me say this again - there is no word "LUCIFER" anywhere in the Bible. Use your Strong's to prove this. The number is H1966. Heylel.