Or perhaps they are simply people who like to see all the evidence first before they draw conclusions.
If I chose to live in Ireland it would ! The right wing religious are trying to do the same thing here .. Prostitution and Pot are other examples. I do not engage in these myself but the crime created by keeping these things illegal, the money wasted in chasing and prosecuting and Jailing these people affects me.
Perhaps the "pea brain" resides inside the head of the individual who believes in something without evidence of its existence. Have you considered that?
How does the universe disprove the existance of God? Would it exist without a God? Because it makes no sense to say that the creation of the universe was a random event in an area of nothingness that formed all of this. Salam
That's not much of an argument. I could argue that I'm Elvis Presley. But that does not make it true. You'd want some kind of evidence, would you not?
But I can prove you aren't Elvis, because he's dead. However you can't prove God didn't create humans (nor can I prove God did) but is there any other explanation? Salam
It doesn't. Nor did I claim it did. The correct question is could it exist without a god. And the correct answer is "yes." Without evidence to the contrary it makes no less sense than believing an omniscient being is responsible.
And I'm telling you he's not dead. You're right. But the burden of proof lies with the party of the affirmative. That would be you by the way.
Maybe misunderstood but you did seem to claim that it disproves the existance of God (see above quote). Then how? Please explain. Salam
Reading your posts in this thread I somewhat assume you don't consider the possibility God exists... Salam
In over 50,000 years of mankind, there has not been one iota of evidence or one fact to support the existence of any god or gods or anything supernatural for that matter. The only support for any gods is the imagination, in myths and superstitions, of man. The above FACT is to me PROOF beyond any shadow of a doubt that no god or gods exist. I have total faith in this belief.
But he is.... Need a better example that Elvis. Aliens would of worked better. Why is that? You are trying to prove God doesn't exist why is it only we have to prove he does exist? That should be shared by both parties. Salam
This is a circular argument that has been discussed ad nauseum. Its just atheist baiting. It cant prove or convince anyone of anything.
Then please explain where mankind came from if it wasn't from God? If you are so confident it should be easy to explain the origins of life and the universe without the intervention of God. Salam
It's an discussion neither side can win because neither side has the actual evidence to prove their theories. The only way to come to a final decision is to agree to disagree, but that's no fun Salam
No. If I wanted to claim that it "disproved the existence of a god," I wouod have said something like, errrm, oh how about "it disproves the existence of a god." In fact, I said just the opposite when I said "it neither proves nor disproves." So, yes, you misunderstood.