Unicorns exist---PROVE IT! Trolls exist ----PROVE IT! God exists-----PROVE IT! In the absence of such proof for any of the above, they do NOT exist.
Actually since atheists have rational thought and theists have myth, superstition, ignorance and fear, then it is a given that ATHEISTS WIN.
Actually there are many scientific concepts of the origin of life and as a seperate event, the universe (they are not one and the same as so many theists seem to think). As of today, we do not have enough evidence to determine which, if any are accurate, or even if more than one of them may have been involved. We do KNOW that is not only possible, but a proven fact that the building blocks of life can be created BY MAN in a laboratory. Rational humans seek knowledge. Rational humans do NOT invent an imaginary god to step in whenever knowledge is lacking, they just continue on, trying to learn and improve their knowledge of the universe. Irrational people, instead of seeking to learn, sit down and cry out to an imaginary, mythical god ---"Please god, take away my fear of the unknown"!
Actually since the only indication of any god, is in the superstitions and myths of man, I as an atheist do NOT have to prove those superstitions are wrong, it is a given. No evidence of any god or gods means no god or gods, that is the default position. The ONLY way to change that is to bring forth EVIDENCE that a god or gods exist. In 50,000 years of humankind, no such evidence has arisen, so, no gods.
Sorry, but myths and superstitions are NOT options for rational belief. According to you, to be fair and reasonable, you must consider allah, buddah, and the thousands of other gods (oops, I meant superstitions). Maybe Baal created the universe, or Ooga-bonga from southeast Norway You MUST consider them, because they are myths, like your god.
Well I’m sure once i find out god was indeed not the creator of my laptop due to a better understanding on my part, i inevitably need to assign god to the new question that arises. Who made the humans that created my laptop? It has to be god. At least until science reveals to me that humans likely evolved from our Australopithecine or Ardipithecus ancestors some 2.4 million years ago. Of course now that is explained to me, i need to move the goal post even further for god. Who/what created life? It has to be god. My point is you're fighting a millennia old losing battle. From who makes it flood and rain? to the questions we have today. The questions have gotten harder, but eventually an explaination has arisin which is not god did it. So theist have a 1,000 year old losing argument, what makes you think you're right this time?
No one MADE humans. Humans are one part of the end of a billion years of evolution. No one MADE humans or deer or dogs or the aids virus.
Any human that expects to have some magical NON-human reasoning is simply NUTS! Any human that expects to receive wisdom magically from some book is NUTS. Nuff said.
The universe proves that no god exists. Any 10 year old computer gamer could create a more logical universe than the one we exist in. LOL, imagine any thinking being creating something that is 99.99999999percent NOTHING.
In truth the agnostic position is NOT a position on god, it is a position on KNOWLEDGE. The agnostic belief is that we can never really know anything, including if god exists. I am atheist because I KNOW no god or gods exist, and the agnostic position is too much philosophical nonsense for me. I know my name, I KNOW it is dangerous to run a red light at rush hour, I KNOW barking dogs can bite. Since I KNOW so many things, I cannot be an agnostic.
The TRUTH is either personal opinion or an opinion (most often incorrect) on facts. Truth is worthless, only facts count.
Some argue about anything, but the fact is that Life is evidence that life exists, not some god. The lack of evidence for any god or gods is proof that no such nonsense exists.
You cannot interact with electric current, hmm, may I suggest that you take a nice two prong metal fork and stick it in one of your outlets? NOOOOO, sorry I said that, you might be enough of a theist to actually try it. But, trust me, if you were to do it, you Would interact with the electrical current.
You have just defied the inner workings of the human body. Electrical current is constantly traversing the body of each and every living human. I would definitely call that 'interaction with electrical current'... but you are the one who knows all, so I guess the human brain no longer functions through the electrochemical process. Wow you are spectacular.. bring on some more of that wisdom.
So you are now suggesting that science in its quest for 'truth' is a 'worthless' venture? More wisdom from TTP, Love it.
I would agree up to a point. However, no atheist can understand the Bible within the scope of God's intent and ways. Knowledge of falls far short of the understanding we gain through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Nice try.
Evolution a great job. Perfection at it's best, everything just fell into place. Thank you for that enlightenment. What started evolution?
Alright. Get cracking. Creat that more logical universe. Don't tell me you can't because you ain't a 10 year old.
So, if only facts count. Then tell me whether I am between 40 and 50 years old? True/False? The truth doesn't matter according to you. Just an answer is all that you need.