Yes, there plenty of reasons to think that there are no elves, not the least of which is we have been into the worlds forests and found no elves. Quite frankly, most logical people understand reasonable expectations, and posses the ability to discern where we can can cannot reasonably look to find evidence. It is only through the absurd, partnered with the guilt by association falacy (the evidence for or God and elves is apparently identical without evening scaling said evidence) that such statements like the one are made. Essentially, it translates there is no God because of absurd rationalizations and comparisons and because we are too lazy to conduct an actual examination of the evidence and will support our 'objective' assessment with derisive comparisons pulled out of our head. The reality is that atheism is a faith, it has no, indeed often less, support them any religion. After all we know that reindeer are real, so God must be to. The 'logic' of atheism in reverse.
You misjudge me. I am far from smug, unlike the naysayer that deems us living in a fantasy world. I am neither selfish or self-absorbed, in fact I do care for the unsaved. They have chosen to reject Jesus, that is on them. You are of the PC Christian crowd, you do a disservice to them by claiming you are with them in most areas of their life. Except the most important part.
Sure, go ahead. Use a black magic marker to remove God from your paper money, a chisel and hammer to your coins. Or melt the coins down and have the money you make transferred to your ATM or debit card. No sense you having to handle currency that offends you. By the way, it is probably safer not to handle currency. Just think about where people's hands have been prior to handling it, probably disease ridden if you know what I mean.
Actually I really don't care. You and your ilk are removing God from everything else, why not our money? The good thing about being a Christian is you can remove God from everything physical but not from our hearts. Even many of our churches have become a haven for all but God. Yes, I'm speaking of the liberal churches that have replaced God with Political Correctness, their new idol.
You can do what you wish with your own private property, but God has no place on public property -- nor does Jesus or Allah or Buddha or Jah Rastafari. Money is public property. Good to hear. So let's get it off the money. Well, that's nothing new. Martin Luther wasn't too fond of those stained glass windows now was he?
If you are referencing the God of Abraham, then it is you who is sadly mistaken. The God of Abraham (the Creator) owns all of this little green planet, so He has every right on any square inch of it.
[ame=""]Joseph Smith - First Vision - part 2 - YouTube[/ame] Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ, whose brightness and glory defy all desription, standing above him in the air. One of them spake unto him, calling Joseph by name and said, pointing to the other-- This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him...
This whole earth is God's place. There is no public nor private. It is His. So how about giving His money back to Him or at least the 10%.
I suggest you take your own advice. After all you are posting in a religion forum. FYI. Some posters may be using Dragon Naturally Speaking and not typing on a keyboard. So perhaps it's wasting their breath instead?
Indeed, either one says or types that a figment of the imagination owns the world doesn't matter, it's a waste. I'm glad we agree.
The appendix is a residual organ that was used when we ate little meat, it helped in handling the huge amounts of cellulose in out diet. When we became hunters and starting ingesting huge amounts of meat, we had little use for such an organ and it slowly atrophied. Birth pains in humans are so painful because of the HUGE size of human heads (because of the brain) compared to body size. No other animal has this problem because no other animal has our brain. Evolution is a process of dead ends, some survive and continue on and some do not. That is what evolution is all about. All these things happen, because they happen, there is no overseer, making experiments, no god no creator, just a natural course of action and reaction.
The rest of your post was quite reasonable, the above part is nonsense, or just intentional ignorance, I am unsure which.
You may be interested to note that the very idea of "being reasonable" was brought into our culture by Christian scholars who studied and developed Greek philosophy. Not sure what they thought of intolerance though. I don't approve of it. That's why I don't have a problem with atheists. People can believe whatever they want to.
This seems to be the issue. But heres my question. Why do we bother arguing with people of these issues? If you think the person is stupid for believing in such a thing, why argue with him about it? They are obviously not going to listen to you, because to think the invisabkle dragon, flying spagetthi monster or whatever is there and exists. Lets not waste our time and intellect on such matters. People can believe what they want. While I would love for people to think more for themselves does it hurt me if they think there is a man in the sky that dictates how they should behave. The only time religion should ever come to an issue IMO is when it takes away or interferes with the rights of another. example: If a person kills over religion and others. I am sure you can all get the gist of it.
The most important part unfortunately is quite often left out by the non-PC Christian crowd: Galatians 5:14: "For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: Love your neighbor as yourself. And (if admittedly slightly out of context) Romans 2:14-16: "14For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another 16In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel." And I'm afraid it is the non-PC right wing zealot Christians who do a disservice both to God and to those who don't believe in Him by not spreading the "Good News" but instead threatening people with hell and eternal condemnation non-stop. I thank the Lord that I was told of Him by PC-Christians rather than by these modern day pharisees. Otherwise I probably would not be a believer right now who can live in the faith of His love and everlasting grace as shown in Jesus Christ.
Why does a person have to kill someone to make us entitled to object to his ideas? Anyone is entitled to dispute anything. If someone tells me the sky is red, I will not wait for him to kill me over it, I will dispute the statement if I so wish, and even regardless if the guy gets that the sky is most probably not red. People can believe what they want, yes, but no one should expect not to be criticized should he ever make it known what he believes. It's called being human.
Tell you what...I will throw ALL my money up in to god, let him keep any that he wants, what falls back to the earth is mine.