No he is not, thank you very much! I am Elvis and I am telling you I am very much alive and well. But I am Elvis. The burden of proof lies with the party of the affirmative -- in all areas of scholarly pursuit, be it law, logic, math, physics, economics, etc.. It's your theory so you have to prove it. The onus is not on me to disprove it -- unless I can show your accepted conclusions to be based on faulty evidence. But in this instance, you have no evidence whatsoever. All you can offer is speculation. Sorry, I don't make the rules... And secondly, I am NOT trying to prove that "God does not exist" as you errantly claim. I do not have to because the burden of proof lies with the party of the affirmative.
Well, if you're waiting for all the evidence. How would you know when you have seen all the evidence? Do we draw conclusions from nothing until all the evidence is available? I think not, otherwise man and stuff would grind to a halt.
I have personal evidence and give testimony to the existence of God. Enough that when atheists and apologetics debates take place, the atheists get their arse kicked. The sad things is they will get their butts fried upon their last breath.
So, PF is only a debate forum? I thought it was for sharing our thoughts and spreading the Good News and in your case perhaps the wrong news.
Yes, I have. And I like other Christians have decided to go with the evidence that we have, that you cannot comprehend for you live solely in a physical and mind world. We happen to have a spiritual component that science cannot fathom for they aren't equipped to do so.
True, but there is only one BOOK. It's the one that has been castigated more than any other yet remains the most prolific book ever and the one that has changed lives for the good more than all the others, including the psycho babble ones.
Since you must accept evidence of spiritual claims, doesn't it bother you to accept more gods than one? I mean, there must be an awful lot you can do nothing but accept.
And what pray tell, are these gods you are referring to? The God that I serve is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God. One, not three separate gods. It's right there in biblical scripture if you care to read about it.
Any god. Claiming there is evidence that can only be comprehended when you have a spiritual component either leaves you with an acceptance of such evidence or with no comprehension.
Since you perceive a SUPERNATURAL being or event, then it actually does mean that what you PERCEIVE is not REALITY. Anything external to reality is the supernatural, the NON-EXISTENT.
Nope, I am an atheist and I have never wondered if any description of any god or gods are in error. All the descriptions are of imaginary nonsense. No, redefining nonsense is still nonsense, and no, no god or gods could, did or do exist.
Actually ANY evidence would be 1 million percent more than what now exists. And nonsense is not in need of redefining.
Just because there is no explanation for something at present does not mean your god exists, nor does it means Allah, Shiva, Zeus, Baal or any other of the thousands of imaginary gods exist. What lacking an explanation means is that as of right now, WE DO NOT KNOW!! And ignorance of a particular reason is NOT proof of any god, be it the pasta god or Jehovah. The concept of gods came from the imagination of ignorant fearful men. Atheists today are for the most part, neither ignorant nor fearful of the unknown. The same can not be said for those of a religious bent.
Yes, atheists limit themselves to human reasoning, unlike theists who limit themselves to superstitions, myths, fear, ignorance and nonsense.
Well comprehend this little tid bit taken from the Bible and ascribed to having been said by Jesus: " it not written in your laws that I have said ye are gods?" That is also written in the OT. Now figure that one out with regard to who he was talking to. So, if you don't want to believe in yourself, then so be it.
Evolution is a fact, supported by literally tons of evidence. Religion is superstition, myth and the imagination of man, supported by nothing but the beliefs of the superstitious.
The ignorance of simple science, of facts any kid should have learned by the 6th grade is more evidence that the religious fear knowledge. That fear can only be because they know there superstitions and myths are nonsense and knowledge of reality would make them acknowledge it. One of the first things slave owners do is to limit the dissemination of knowledge. If the slave owners lived in America they did it by passing laws prohibiting slaves to learn to read. If they lived in the mid-east they did it by inventing Superstitious nonsense that said 'if you seek knowledge you will be kicked out of heaven/eden".
Humans claiming to speak for god is not arrogant, it is just a method of control that humans have invented. Speaking for god is easier and cheaper than having an army. If accepting reality, and denying superstitious nonsense (religion) is arrogance, then I, as an atheist, am certainly arrogant.
Political pressure by trying to pass laws that force others to conform to YOUR religious beliefs. Peer Pressure by trying to belittle those of different beliefs, and make them ashamed. Physical force - such as busting out a car window with a Darwin sticker in it and leaving a note saying ROT IN HELL! the list goes oN and ON and ON, but this is enough to show you that the superstitious god believers are USING force on people not of their belief.