I certainly made no such claim. My position is that we do not yet know the origins of life. We have many theories and we have many mythological stories. But none of us know. Agreed.
No it does not. But you can rest easy -- it is not your job to prove god(s) do not exist. It is the theists job to prove they/he/she/it does -- as the burden of proof lies with the party of the affirmative! That still disproves nothing.
More or less. For my part, I just want to see the evidence. I believe AC current exists because I have seen the evidence and it is conclusive. Well you're going to love this one then: You don't know what you don't know. And to be quite honest, without evidence, the atheist position requires as much faith as that of the theist. And I think we have already established that faith is the antithesis of reason.
The Judge (God) has spoken. Man is found guilty. Sentence is hell. But along the way comes an advocator, His name is Jesus. He takes our punishment, His defense persuades the Judge to free all who accept the terms of the class action lawsuit that He initiated. Most will not, millions will. Don't you just love the response "have many theories"? God, that just gets me right here in the heart. So wonderful people continue to seek the truth, for the truth shall set them free (JC). To know or not to know, that is the question. Sorry, 'be' just didn't quite cut it.
Are you making an affirmative declaration that God does not exist? Or are you too much of a coward to make such a declaration? So in view of the fact that you cannot make such a declaration, then all us Christians have to rest upon the fact that with regard to God and the existence of God, you are simply ignorant of the subject matter?
To be or not to be That is the question Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them? To die, to sleep to sleep, perchance to dream? Many books have wisdom.
BTTR: I must bring this to your attention. A Christian brother just informed me by PM that I need to lighten up. So, in view of that admonition from a Christian Brother, I must apologize to you about the posting that I made above. I do hope you will forgive me for my hasty remarks. Respectfully Incorporeal.
You are a good Brother-in-Christ. Your love of God is greater than your love of self. I commend you my friend. Let us not get down in the dirt with the enemies of God. That is their playground as it seems PF attracts the selfish and naysayers.
You do know that you're referring to others as selfish while claiming to be a better person yourself, right?
Christians aren't better, we are just better off than we use to be. One who is about one-self and considers not a Creator is selfish. I stand by this.
Don't know, don't care. I can only observe BFOJ's assertion of going down in the dirt where people apparently are when they don't share his faith.
If you " don't care", then why post something like "You do know that you're referring to others as selfish while claiming to be a better person yourself, right?"
Spoken like someone who's never gotten an electric shock. You can, in fact, see, feel, smell, and interact with electricity. You can see it when it arcs, you can feel it when you accidentally touch a charged object, you can certainly smell it when something gets burned out, or when a powerful arc has occurred, and you can interact with it merely through the action of plugging something into the socket. That last point is quite different from interactions with "god" because they are evident to an outside observer. When you plug a lamp into a wall socket, it isn't just your personal mental experience that you testify to, the light bulb actually turns on and someone else can verify that.
Because I was curious if BFOJ was aware of referring to others as selfish while claiming to be a better person himself. Should be rather self-explanatory.
But being curious is showing an interest or concern to either a greater or lesser degree. A concern is a 'care'. Words are killers folks.
Exactly. God is an internal belief. this is why the "Christian God," or the "Muslim God," or any "God" that is limited by manmade dogmas to answer to human cultural and time limitation DOES NOT EXIST. But I believe in an Universal, internal God. He, She, It exists within each one of us, wether or not we recognize ITS power to affect our lives, our actions, and that of every human being. Too many people confuse "GOD" (for a lack of a better term) and "religion." But religion, limited by human needs, is in fact "killing" God, putting HIM, HER, IT in a narrow box, dividing humanity in ever smaller boxes, using manmade IMAGES og God that project cultural needs onto a blank screen to meet human needs for powerand self-rihteousness. I know. . .this is just another "human" opinion!
And how does this internal God play a part in Creation? Your buddies have explained that all of our thoughts, feelings and the like are the result of chemical activity in the brain. You agree?
I believe in evolution. . . From a minute "created" original "something." You have to excuse my vague response about the "something,". I am obviously not a scientist, and I rather dwelve in today and tomorrow rather than be stuck millions of years in the past. I can live with a certain amount of uncertainty and with not knowing it all . . . I don't pretend to be GOD,, just to believe in a God that resides ineach of us, and in nature. I do believe that much of our feelings and reactions are to a great extend affected (but also affect) the chemical activity of the brain . . It's a little like the dilemma of "the chicken and the egg,". It's interesting, but what really matter is that both the chicken and the eggs exist today!
You will be surprised to learn that humans have only lived for about 6k years. Does that help you knowing that you don't have to be stuck millions of years in the past? Evolution? Evolved from what? Millions of years can not explain this complex Universe nor the creations on earth. Evolution is only possible in a world where randomness is primary and does not lend itself to what we now see and experience. Unless you live in a world of scatter and warp.
So you are gonna try the diversionary tactic now? Ok. Of course, everyone will recognize that you care when you don't care and you don't care when you care.
Sorry, I do not believe that humans have only lived for about 6 thousands years. . .in fact, even the believer in the literal world of the Bible do not pretend that this is factual! And I am not a believer in the LITERAL world of the Bible! I may not be widely versed in science, but I know enough to believe that the first signs of human life are dated from around 45 thousand years ago. I respect the fact that you believe in the bible and in creation. . .but I do not believe that "creation alone" makes anymore sense than "evolution alone!" Evolution makes a lot of sense as life forms had to adapt to their environment (evolving environment also) to survive, and if they didn't. . .they disappeared. And "adaptation" required "evolution." So. .why don't we agree to disagree on this subject?
What? You're being silly. I did not ask if BFOJ was aware he was a better person. I asked if he was aware of how he positioned himself as a better person. In other words, your former question is completely irrelevant. I couldn't care less if "being 'unselfish' make for a 'better person'" or not. What I "cared" about was knowing if BFOJ recognized how he was placing himself in an elevated position on account of imagining that a higher being caters to himself personally. Because that, my friend, is inherently self-centered. It is the only reason why he can say that, slightly paraphrased, others who have not caught the bug of thinking that BFOJ's god caters to *them* are living in the dirt beneath his feet.