If the shoe fits and especially if one prefers to WEAR it boldly... so should they expect feedback commensurate with the same.
How long have you been a heterophobe? Were you born that way or did it develope over decades of indoctrination?
Believe it or not, I've actually gotten treatment for that off/on throughout my lifetime. (No, I'm not kidding, one iota.) Have you ever tried living as a gay person; especially a closeted one? Some straight people have been inexplicably scary indeed; I've learned to face that (even nicely most times). I should have asked you that question first; really. Even so, I think that most homosexual people have the kinds of experiences (certainly early in life) that likely could/would lead to them being 'heterophobic' (not a real term, but people can get the idea). Without a doubt though (at this point) I don't intend to be pleasant when I see deliberate hatred aimed/fired at homosexual people. It's nice to be able to more actively defend the cause for human rights as a homosexual, who happens to be in the military!! Hoorah!! Now when the homophobia shows its ass... I'll tell it to stifle itself, more boldly than ever before. Bet on it!
Nothing is worse than being accused of something one is not, just for disagreeing. I can't make this pint often enough. Its a foul excuse, one of scapegoating at best.
Ha-Ha! Yeah, LOL!! It's funny to say, that even the MILITARY has touched reality concerning homosexuality more readily than many people posting in this forum.
Now we have a real issue to discuss. Why do you consider it vile and disgusting? Is it the act of loving, or the expression of that love, that you consider as such?
That some homosexual people may fear heterosexuals, is not the same as bigotry. I agree that it could lead to certain forms of bigotry, as fear can indeed be a catalyst for many negative emotions and diagnosable neuroses.
It's not about being "scared"; it is about realizing the effects your thinking/doing has upon reality. Stay real.
You are fooling yourself, in thinking what you express above. Here's what I said about that in another thread:
And while I wouldn't use those word to describe another person's bodily characteristics, I can say I know what he means. (It's NOT a turn-on for him at all.) It is somewhat humorous to me, that so many 'straight' people don't realize (or accept) homosexual people aren't just 'choosing' something.
What about it do you see as vile and disgusting? Do you think that it's being, as you see it, vile makes it correct for the government to actively fight against it? Or simply not to actively equalize endorsement relative to heterosexual behavior? Do you believe that heterosexual sexual activity is vile and disgusting as well, as the most stringent puritans did? If I may ask one more question: what do you believe is the purpose of sexual activity?
I'd be sort of insulted if I were female... I don't understand this use of language. What does that mean? Vile, disgusting... in what respect? I know you aren't him, so I can't ask you, but can you ask him for me?
I dont know. I would consider a mans hairy butt hole to be vile and disgusting. Most all men wouldnt at all be offended that I find their butt hole to be vile and disgusting and are probably thankful of that fact. The thought of some guy and his boner coming at me is vile and disgusting. I guess, I could see some guy and his boner coming at me who might be offended by the fact that I find him and his boner coming at me to be vile and disgusting. His "partner" is a friend of mine. He was heterosexual, married and with kids for most of his life before he decided he preferred being homosexual. He is probably attracted to any bodily orifice that is attached to someone willing to allow him to put his junk into. But if you were to meet him, he seems perfectly normal. Fits right in with the group of heterosexual kitesurfers we both hang out with. But his boyfriend, the one that finds the womens parts to be vile and disgusting.....he's a flamer. You can see it from 100 yrds. Flamboyant, drama queen. Feminine, tiny little skinny thing. Arm permanately fixed in the limp wrist position at his side. Walks with a wiggle, god I wish he wouldnt wear that skimpy little speedo. Ironic thing is that soon as they get to the beach, the feminine one that finds womens body parts disgusting, makes a b-line to our girlfriends and wives brought along and chit chats with them all day just like one of the girls, working on their tans.