Israel vs. Palestine

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by JewishIsrael, May 25, 2012.

  1. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    So, thats argument is going way back into the 1920, between jews and palestinians.
    Both sides have their excuses, but im hear to represent my country, Israel.

    First of all i saw that many people in the world support and belive everything the palestinians say.
    i mean they see the "suffer" that they are going threw, they see the dead children, but what dont you see? is what they do that cause out reaction!
    i'll give you some background:
    1. every war that has ever started between as and them, was always initiated by them.
    1948, the very first was, the first day of the israeli independence, arabs attack and kill jewish in the street and declared that they are going to take israel back(wich is false because they never had her), we had no army, no sildiers, all we had was the Underground fighters for WW2, that fought to save our people, once they saw that there plan has failed they started to run acros the border, those he didnt run we had to bunish, they cause reask to national security, what would you do?!
    but ofcurse we are the bad guys.

    then lets jump 19 years in the future, 1967, the six days war.
    islam countries from all over the medditernian has dispatched forces to egypt to prepare to kill all israeli sitisents and throw their bodies to the see, over 450 aircrafts they had, we had about 30 because our army was not organized back then, they declared they are going to kill us all, so we initiated a small atack with one airecraft under the radar, we took down all 450 aircrafts and all the world was surprised that we are still alive, we ocupied sinai, second half of jerusalem, many terror acts had come from there, and Ramat Hagolan, missiles from suria was lunched from there, al for security reasons because they declared that they are going to kill us all! but who is the bad guys? us ofcurse no them.

    then 6 six years in the future, 1973, Yom Kippur War, Egypt, Jordan, Labanon and Suria have all attacked us is surprise, 4 countries againts one, and we won, because again, we needed to defened ourselves!
    who is the bad guys? us!

    1979, we signed a peace agreement with rgypt and we gave back sinai that was twice as large as our land, but we wanted peace so we gave it back.
    then we signed a peace agreement with Jordan, in exchange we gave them sciantists and fresh water from the kineret, in exchange for peace.
    then 2004, there were an agreement called "Hinatkut" in hebrew it means disppatching, we took out all israeli sevillience from the gaza strip and gave it to the palestinians as Gesture of goodwill, 2 months later missiles started coming out of there attacking and killing people in west israel, so we attacked there in order the defend ourselves, but ofcurse the palestinians are to weak and we are the bad guys who slate children.

    there were the 2006 war and a missile landed 100 meters from my house but i wont talk about that.

    lets skeep to 2008, Operation "Oferet Yezuka", One night, in one night over 100 missiles was lunched from gaza streep into west israel, killing over 10 people, so first we tried to wear them out, we didnt attack, since we suply them wuith elctricity we cut the power and there was no electricity in gaza, and yet they kept on attacking, what would you have us do? stand aside and let them kill us?! no, we defended our selves, we blew up their gas suply, yet we gave back the electricity, but again we defended and who is the bad guys? us!

    the last war takes us lass then one year before now, September 2011, there qas a terror act on the road to Eilat(West israel), 6 terrorists got on the road with machine guns and started shooting one a moving bus, our army was called there right away, 6 israeli man dies, 3 terrorists died to, other 3 ran into gaza strip, 3 hourse later we kill the orgenizer of the terror act so he couldnt hurt more people, that night over 35 missiles were lunched to israel and kill 4 more people, one with a direct hit to the car, and other into a house, again we talk measures of national security, and they started a war, we defended our selves, 3 days later the wanted a truce, we signed, that night more missiles in israel even do we agreed to the truth and got all forces out of gaza.

    that some background that you need to read in order the realise that everything we do is for a reason, children are dying in here to! we dont just attack when we get bored we defend ourselves, the palestinians arnt so helpless as they want you to think.
    i hope you will read this and get a clue of what is going on here, because its people like you that give them the Legitimacy to kill more people!
  2. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    Up up up up
  3. Catenaccio

    Catenaccio Banned

    May 12, 2012
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    Things are pretty bad from both sides. Neither truly deserve a state.
  4. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    why? cause we are defneding oursleves from those who want to kill us?
    just because we are stronger it dosnt mean they get the right to cry after they are the one that started the war.
  5. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Israel is just another failed socialist state. And stop siphoning out my tax dollars. And get your foreign implants out of my government and media.
  6. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    On the contrary, the natives of Palestine have been defending themselves against the European immigrants from the beginning. Your OP is riddled with hasbara-nonsense which has been tackled and dispelled with multiple times on this forum.
  7. Catenaccio

    Catenaccio Banned

    May 12, 2012
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    Defending or invading? I see it as invading.
  8. JIMV

    JIMV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 19, 2009
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    I see it as a very simple issue, European civilization and democracy v middle eastern despotism and violence....It is seldom the world sees such a clear case of good guys and bad guys and, sadly, seldom do we see the bad guys supported so loudly.
    Unifier and (deleted member) like this.
  9. Catenaccio

    Catenaccio Banned

    May 12, 2012
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    Or abusive theocracy versus abusive theocracy?
  10. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    we wernt imagrates, we were guven a nayional home by britain, and this country was never belong to the palestinians, it was under the control of the othman empire, and then under the britain mandat.
    they didnt have to defend themselves if they would have start attacking as from the first place would they?
    like i sad, they dont get to start wars and violance and then call us the bad guys, if every country was woring for there weak enemy more then herself then the world will be on flames today.

    we were given a national home by britain as writeen in the Balfue Declaration, then the UN gave us the intire country cause the palestinians didnt want to share.
    so no, its not invading.
  11. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    In reply to the original post, what about the pre-1948 Israeli terrorism, the legal denial of Palestinian refugees to return to their lands after 1948 (in a series of increasingly harsh laws that also decreased compensation for seized lands), the declaration of all of Jerusalem as Israeli when many Palestinians still lived there, the gradual occupation of more and more of the West Bank, the semi-terrorist Settlers movement, the cynical Israeli participation in the Suez Crisis in 1956 and the comparative death rates of Israeli and Palestinian civilians (especially children)? Why post such a biased portrayal of a difficult issue - the debate over the Israel/Palestine issue should be over what shade of gray the two sides are, rather than trying to portray one side as the white hats and the other as the black-hatted villains (old cowboy movie reference).
  12. Catenaccio

    Catenaccio Banned

    May 12, 2012
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    Neither has the authority to do so. Neither would do such today.
  13. cable2

    cable2 New Member

    May 29, 2012
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    I sniped this small part of your post, cos your whole post is too large to copy and reply to.. Let me start by saying out loud your post is so, so untrue,

    the 2008 “Operation Cast. Lead” in which Israel killed over 1,400 men women and children.. Israel lost 11 [5 of which where killed by their own men] only came after Israel broke the agree cease fire [other then a few blasts by both side the cease fire held] by invading Gaza to kidnap 2 Palestinians while killing 5 others. Israel's claimed intent was to destroy the democratically elected voice of Palestine Hamas.. this was time Israel had tried to destroy Hamas nor was 2008/9 “Operation Cast. Lead” the first or only time Israel dished out correlative punishment to the Palestinians for electing Hamas.. [correlative punishment is unlawful] Israel turn Gaza into the world' largest prison and they and they alone would say what could and could not enter Gaza and who could and who could not leave Gaza.. Israel armed and funded the PLO's attempt to destroy Hamas, the Palestinian people helped Hamas stay in power.. and Israel let their PLO puppets escape Gaza to run off to the West Bank where, with even more support of Israel the PLO took control..

    don't take my word nor the word of our friend.. go to youtube and watch “Operation Cast. Lead”.. then chose who is the bad guy, or who is the worse of te bad guys.

    the terror attack in 2011.. Israel did not know, and as far as I know still doesn't know who carried out the attack.. first Israelis attack and killed Egyptian police over the attack, then Israel claimed it was the Egyptian Islamist.. our friends outlandish claim "3 hourse later we kill the orgenizer of the terror act so he couldnt hurt more people" yes Isreal was killing people in Gaza with in 3 hours of the attack.. not cos they thought it had been carried by Gaza.. After 3 hours Israel was still fighting with Egyptians police and still claiming it had been carried by Egyptians.. another untrue statement here is "that night over 35 missiles were lunched to israel and kill 4 more people" NO, let me repeat that, NO Israeli was killed any where in Israel from Rocket fire from Gaza.

    Please do not let propaganda spin you off from the truth.. not me nor our friend.. find out for yourself, the truth is out there.
  14. HB Surfer

    HB Surfer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 10, 2009
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    Palestine and Israel would of/should of got along and made a go of it.... BUT

    The Jesse Jackson of the Middle East (Arafat) managed to screw it all up and the people followed. They were offered a (*)(*)(*)(*) good deal by Clinton, but Arafat blew it. He was always in it for personal gain, like Jesse Jackson, and the people suffered because of it. The rest of the Arabic/Muslim world treat the Palestinians like the red headed step child of the Middle East. IF Israel and the Jews were gone tomorrow, the rest of the Middle East would be slaughtering the Palestinian. Just look at how they are treated in Lebanon, Syria, etc.... they are 3rd class citizens.
  15. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    they were refugees because they tried to kill us in 1948 after the declaration of our country, so why would we let them come back?!
    the pre 1948 acts was by both sides and not only by as, back then we did bad stuf to without a good reason, but they did so to and do it until today, and even though the pre 1948 jews wernt angels(im not saying that today we are) they still accepted to share the country with the palestinians the country, while the palestinians didnt want to.
    when we took the other half of jerusalem it was because many terror acts came out of there and comminting sucide bombing in streets, so we send the military there as any country would do when being attacked.

    since britain had a mandat on this country, she had the authority to do that, and since israel wasnt belong to anyone back then, only was trained to sovereignty by britain, the UN had the right to perform a vote if israel deserves a country or not, and 33 voted yes.
    so as i sad, the country didnt belong to the palestinians or the jews, but the jews wanted to share it, they didnt, so we got the country, and they tried to kill us and take it back, and they failed, and they ran away, their problem not oures.
  16. cable2

    cable2 New Member

    May 29, 2012
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    all claims are so, so untrue..

    "the Balfue Declaration" was not a legal document but a document of intent, the same amount of intent the British gave to the Arabs who where fighting on their side in WW1.. "the Balfue Declaration" WAS NOT legally binding and in the same way as Britain ignored their agreement with the Arabs was forgotten after the war, so was "the Balfue Declaration"

    "the UN gave us the intire country" the UN draw up a closely defined state which did not cover the whole of Palestine.. any and all lands out side of the 1948 boarders have been unlawfully held.. Jaffa was out side of the UN drawn state, the day after the UN agreed to an Israel.. Israelis attacked Jaffa and drove out over 90 % of the Palestinian [all of which are still waiting in camps around the world to return home] please read a history book on Jaffa [Jaffa was been repeated time and time again from 1948 onward] or even google Jaffa on line..

    the UN is the only body who do have the right to impose a state upon the world.. it was set up to take away the ability of any to take the land of others by the use of the gun.. the world no longer wanted the likes of Germany and Japan from steal another countries land.. Israel was imposed upon the world as a compensation to the European Jew who went through hell in the 1930/40's.. it took away part of the land of Palestine, even though NOT ONE Palestinian agreed to give up their land or rights.. and gave that land to Europeans.. Palestine was not the only place where land could be given to the European Jew.. a huge chunk of South America was offered.
  17. SkullKrusher

    SkullKrusher Banned

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Perhaps you might want to read the history of Western Civilization before denouncing Despotism and violence in other civilizations. Western Civilization caused a series of wars from the Greeks to Adolf Hitler that caused massive death on a scale that would make Ghenghis Khan look like a boy scout. Building architecture does not absolve european empire from the Crusades, nor the wars among nations that slaughtered people like cattle, and systematically tried to elimininate anan entire race of people in gas chamber.

    I might add, that last period of darkness, the lowest point in the entire history of man, was a result of far rightwing ideology advocating the superiority of a mythical Aryan race and was funded by the wealthy venture capitalists and Industrialists of Europe.
  18. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    ofcurse you left out the part where they attacked us in the night of the Israel Declaration by David Ben Gurion, that you forgot right?
    and ofcurse you forgot that they say they are going to kill us all and take the country back
    and ofcurse you forgot that they ran out of the border when they saw their plan had failed.

    as for the 1948 border that were decided by the UN. expect for the other half of jersualem, all land we have taken was around war that they started, so we took it and got their army out of there so they couldnt harm us.
    the other half of jerusalem was filled with palestinians terrorists who commited alot of terror acts.
    im intrested with the fact that you know all the history about the bad stuf we did, but you know nothing about what they did that caused us to react....

    and the Jafa people ran of when they saw they are going to loose the war that they have started, so no they dont get to come back home, will you let a national enemy to come back home?!
    yet there are still over 2 million palestinians in israel, sho has a decent job, they can vote to the gocernment and get equale rights as all sevvilience, enen thous who support the palestinians get equale rights, because our country had a democracy, unlike all other around us(execept for Egypt)

    why would we go to south america?! our bible called israel the primised land, the land didnt belong to us back then but it didnt belong to the palestinians either. execpt from those who had a land they bought llegely, but we paid them for the land even thou it was already given to us by the UN. the palestinians can us well go to south america, why they dont have to? necause you people has the idea the we "stoll" the country, but you know (*)(*)(*)(*) of what really happend.
    how about you will ask my uncle? ohh wait he was killed by palestinians.
    then why dont you ask my gransfather? ohh wait he has been threw the holwcost and have a hard time remembering what happend back then.
    jews suffered enough, we deserved a cpuntry just as my they did, the UN offered that we share the country, we accepted we no second thoutes, they sad no with no second thoutes.
    learn a little history and then come and talk.
  19. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Your bible also condemns homosexuality and Israel came out to be the #1 tourist destination for homosexuals. Either you follow your bible or you don't.
  20. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Right; so the tens of thousands of Europeans who immigrated to Palestine were not immigrants. :roll:

    First, the Britains too promised the Arabs independence if the latter were to revolt against the Ottomans (which they indeed did). The imperial power, needless to say, renegaded on its promises. Second, the Balfour declaration calls for a homeland in Palestine, wherin "it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine." The Zionists clearly did not respect the rights and wishes of the indigenous population. Third, the Palestinians had (and still are) been living in Palestine for centuries, working and on the land and planting their olive trees; it is irrelevant that some imperial power 'controlled' the land. The Palestinians (whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim) are the indigenous peoples of the land- which cannot be said for the European immigrants. Lastly, the above is disregarding the question of whether an imperial power even has the 'right' to make decisions concering a land wherein the opinions and wishes of the indigenous peoples are ignored.–Hussein_Correspondence
  21. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Just when I thought that hasbara-trolls ran out of ridiculous claims....
  22. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Indeed this Christian Zionist agrees many thumbs up...

  23. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    im not talking about the intire bible, we have hoyl places here just as much as the palestinians, the only dirffrence is, we let 2 milion palestinians here to stay and visit them every year, while if this country was belong to them we would never be able to go to The Western Wall wich is the last wall remains from the holy house where the jews praid to god, theres holy places for both coltures, and i have no poblems with palestinians, i even have friends who are paletianins, those who live in israel, atleast some of them, learned that we are not the bad people, i wish you people would get that to!

    so what? did they respect us? our culture? out kids? out eledrlies? why should they recieve mercy and understanding while we recieve nothing, they didnt want us here, so they killed people with no reason, the jews did so to, im not saying that the pre 1948 jews were angels, but everything we ever did had a reason, the Arab world, and all of you should know that, was never known for being peaceful and come people, that respect everyone around them, arabs sold problems with blood and wars, so we to had to defend outselves and attack them. you people have no clue about what is really going on in the real world, because if you do, you would be talking that that way.

    you know what, all of you people need to take some timeout of youe pities aon the palestinians and look around the world. was there ever any country who didnt defend herself when attackes? what should we do? sit aside and let them attack because they are so poor and needi!? they braugh this on themselves, they didnt want as here, they killed us, many man, we killed to, but we defended, out military dosnt named "Israel Attack Force", it name is "Israeli Defence Force", everything we have ever did was for the best of our own sevillience, and not their sevillience, we dont care about them, i admit it, they could be dad as much as i care, but they fell the exact same way, so I dont need to fill bad, and i dont need to be here trying to convinve you, but when people like the palestinians we live next to you, and a suicide bomber will explode in your street, and if theres a god out there it will happend, you will understand exactly how i feel everyday, exactly like every other sevillience in israel, Gaza knows when we are about to attack, they know, we informe the sevvilience there, and they have the time to clear the area, we know (*)(*)(*)(*), we walk in fear, cause every palestinian man that walks on the street could be one of them! so i dont give a (*)(*)(*)(*) about youe opinion, it means nothing, i was stupid to try to convince so closeminded people that they are blind and stupid, go on with what you belive, what you think happend, and when the truth hit you in the face, be sure that you think about exactly what i sad, and then you will know you are wrond.

    good day for all of you, im done!
  24. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    I don't hate Israel, but your bias makes you an unreliable source. So just post pictures of beautiful Israeli women instead of talking about complicated matters, please.
  25. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Palestinian Christians Barred From Jerusalem for Easter

    The continual influx of large numbers of unwelcome immigrants to a certain land always results in the feeling of indignation among the peoples indigenous to said land. History has clearly shown this to be true. This is the real world, and blaming the Arabs for not accepting to accommodate tens of thousands of immigrants from the West is absurd.

    Resistance is to be expected.

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