Israel vs. Palestine

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by JewishIsrael, May 25, 2012.

  1. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    i know, they are welcome to prostate, as they always do, they are welcome to go the UN as they already did' they are not welcome to attack and expect that we dont strike back! they attack, we defend, only once we initiated a war, out of 8!
  2. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    I don't know of any country who ever invaded another country claiming that they themselves were the bad guys - Hitler wanted to liberate world from terrorists just like America wanted to liberate themselves from terrorists, and all your so called history and facts are absolutely meaningless compared to reality which is that Israel was FORMED on another land and it keeps EXPANDING beyond it's original borders. the rest is PROPAGANDA. another obvious thing is that Israel works in combination with the USA to destroy other nations who have done nothing to it - your playing of the victim is a historic trick, way before you were "victimized" by Hitler, you were "victims" through out history, all you have to do is go to your original borders, stop playing victims, and then if any of them attack you still, watch and see how the whole world will be on your side to wipe them off the map, including me. there will be no resistance. even as much as Iranian president still complaining about your state would be enough to make me switch my side, but for now, all I hear is American pollitician lies about the middle east, and kissing of Iraeli at every turn - Who did Iran "the evil" invade over the last 300 years? NO ONE, but your best friend (if not puppet) USA helped Saddam invade Iran. enough said. if you want to be trusted, renounce your friendship with USA too, instead of gloating how you defeat all of them
  3. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Israel is a representative democracy, as is the USA. Additionally are you not familiar with scripture? God told Abraham that all anti-Semites (those who are hostile toward the Jews) will endure and live with his curse (see Gen. 12:1-3). Jesus said that they will come under the judgment of God during the judgment. The USA and the west in general has supported Israel in the past. However, under the leadership of Obama* we are beginning to distance ourselves from Israel. We do so at our own peril...anyway I support Israel and Zionism to the death if necessary**.

    *.... Obama should be impeached due to too many factors to list here.

    ** .. If Israel is attacked I would join its army to defend Gods chosen people and state. Or I would volunteer to do espionage for Israel against any enemy state save for the USA.

  4. Catenaccio

    Catenaccio Banned

    May 12, 2012
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    No, she didn't.

    No, it has the right to recognize a state, not create one.

    Israel should not be a created state, should not be a state. Based on their behavior, don't deserve a state.
  5. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    The truth is that the human race are war-like. History shows that if two nations can not agree etc we fight or go to war with our foe. Those nations that hate Israel and the West should agree because they have already tried WAR loosing their butts. Now comes the strange part, they want their land and toys back. They actually believe that if they really really want it bad enough and so called world opinion says Israel should give the land back they should do it! It doesn't work that way! A nations borders are drawn by its vanquishers, the winners. READ MY LIPS; WAR IS THE ULTIMATE CREATOR OF NATIONAL IDENTITY AND IT IS THE ENTITY THAT DEFINES WHERE THE NEW BORDERS OF THE WORLDS NATIONS ARE DRAWN !!!! End of story. By the time the gripe has reached the runaway hysteria of war it is too late to talk.

    For some reason the losers and friends of the losers in the Israeli vs the world conflict have a fantasy that they can force or shame those that hold both the MORAL HIGH GROUND as well as the MILITARY POWER to retain land gained to give it back (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)! Well no, It is not gonna happen, or there is a very small chance that it will happen (that Israel will give back more land than she already has. I say God bless her and Gods speed in receiving her destiny ie to rule the world with Jesus Christ at the helm...

  6. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Ok, even though I do not agree*, who has a right to create a state?

    *(I do not agree because recognizing a state in effect makes a state 'real')

    How is she any different than any other nation that was won by war? And what states do you think should be allowed to exist and what nations should not be states?

    See how silly all that begins to get.

  7. Catenaccio

    Catenaccio Banned

    May 12, 2012
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    The people, in communication with their current state. Think something like South Sudan. If you're familiar with it, consider the Montevideo conference of, I think, 1930? It outlines some further criteria for what said state must have, though not how it need be created.

    Because this is post-war and in the modern era. Nations by war are generally not accepted. Nations that commit horrendous crimes against humanity need not respected.
  8. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    if we havnt have taken those lands there were a lot more terror acts then there are today.
    and we gave back some of the lands to sign peace agreements, we took lands in war, they started it, they will pay the price.
    and you wouldnt be on our side if we were angels, because the palestinans had brainwashed you with their stories of how they are poor and defencles againts the israeli conquerer, and how they are need to be piti at, because they cant dill with the israeli terrorists(sarcazem ofcurse), you will be on their side simply because you dont understand what is really going on, as most of you.

    you my friend are one of the only logical people i met here.
    wars are all around the world, not just israel, yet you only pay attention to us, because the palestinians brainwashed you with the stories of us slaiting children for no reason, the oposite is right.

    they kill people, we kill people, they cry, you blame us for jenuside.
    you toadaoly leave out the part that they started, they initiated it, and they are the once who are publicley say that they want to kill the jews and throw them to the ocean.
    you know what you are comfortable to know so you could attack us with out knowing nothing, read some of the history, about the wars, about the terror acts, about why we had to attack, and then talk!
  9. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    The United States is not a representative democracy. We are a constitutional Republic with democratic traditions and liberties granted to us by God. Israel is a supposed Democracy. But the Israelis also have moved away from God. Their culture offends him, I assure you. They will feel his wrath. I support the Jewish state's right to exist. I believe its existence is another fulfillment of prophecy. But that does not, however, mean that I will go against my conscience and my faith to blindly support them in everything they do. Israel needs to stop relying on Earthly powers, money and militaries, and put their full faith in the Lord to protect their people and keep them safe. I believe their reliance on Earthly powers has allowed them to relax and turn away from God and blaspheme his name arrogantly.
  10. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    No they have not brainwashed me neither: go back to your original borders, keep occupied lands as buffer zones - empty except for military check points: no arab no jewish settlements there. now you are the occupying force and who is bad is irelevant because everyone claims to be innocent (sarcasm or no, I don't care)
  11. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    The "nation" you support uses False Flag operations to make outsiders believe Palestine and other arab nations throughout the region, year after f_cking year are ATTACKING Israel !!!

    Imperialism sucks and Zionist Israel is the MOST imperialist criminal and most powerful gang the world has ever seen.

    Israel is a disgrace to her Husband, the Lord of Abraham.

    The God of David looks upon Israel in absolute SHAME for her whorings and disgusting perversion.
  12. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Just let it sink in. Israel is the #1 tourist destination for homosexuals. A symbolism of how immoral and worldy a nation is who claims its inception by God.
  13. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    May the God of Isaac bless you greatly throughout your life. You are much more deserving than this hateful misanthropic elitist zio-scumbag.
    RiseAgainst and (deleted member) like this.
  14. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    yes to ^^^^^this.

    Power-hungry elitist SCUM rule the whore nation in question.
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Get a new keyboard, oppression boy.
  16. SkullKrusher

    SkullKrusher Banned

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Advice for Israeli Defense Force: Only respond with proportional force. If one Palestinian throws a rock, then one Israeli throws a rock of approximate equal size back. Do not use machineguns and tanks to destroy an entire house with other Palestinians who were not even at the protest site.

    Follow the Torah (eye for an eye) if you must, but realize that means using force only equal in response to the aggressors force. If Palestinians have public protest, with flags, but not throwing rocks, then IDF should do nothing violent in response.

    Advice for Palestinians: Continue peaceful demonstrations. Do not resort to violence. That may be very difficult, but it worked for Martin Luther King, and for Gandhi. The world is ready for a peaceful coexistence and recognizes the plight of Palestians as well as Israelis. We recognize the significance of the land where 3 religions that constitute over 2 billion people, deem to be sacred ground. Let us not destroy one another and spill each others blood on this ground, but instead prepare it for the day when perhaps the God will return, by peaceful means. That means sharing it and allowing all 3 religions equality and respect. A diffcult concept for the religious extremist element, but perhaps there are enough secularists, and philosophers, to embrace the idea.

    And a general concept which all the world should embrace: PREMPTIVE STRIKE doctrine is an INSANE concept, as was the idea of a FIRST STRIKE Nuclear war option. Both options guarantee retaliation and exponential bloodshed far worse than whatever perceived threat to life/liberty there was to begin with.
  17. Ronald0

    Ronald0 New Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    So that is what Christianity teaches. I never knew.
  18. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Many believe that complete Nuclear Obliteration of the "state of Israel" would be completely justified, even with God, after the Illegal Imperialist achievements of the Zionist element of and by which we've seen atrocious terrors displayed.

    For DECADES now.
  19. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    if i do what you seggest it will be a much easier job for the palestinians to kill me :)
    the palestinians dont want 1948 borders, they want all israel, and thyey want to kill us, they sad that many times, have you ever listened? ofcurse not.
  20. JewishIsrael

    JewishIsrael New Member

    May 25, 2012
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    we dont use muchin guns, we use semi automatic, wich means one bullet at a time. we dont blow up homes with our tanks, we blow up missle supllies.
    if they throw a rock and we throw, then they throw a missile what should we do? throw a missile? no! we need to show them that throwing a missile at us will only hurt them.
    and about the palestinians, "Continue peaceful demonstrations"???? when did they ever started acting peacefull?! they started the violence and restored it almost every time!
    and dont wait for god to retuen, he has left a long time ago!
  21. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Former congressman for 17 years not just some guy off the street.
  22. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Like I said, resistance to foreign invaders is to be expected.
  23. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Nice post.

    Part underlined - it is the legislation from the minds of psychopath's. It is murder, let's call it what it is. It has no place in any right thinking nation.

    It's the concept of the Zionist mind.
  24. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Allow me...

    This member does NOT follow the teachings of Jesus.

    He is of the John Hagee, Christian Zionist stable.

    There is not a thing in the tone, content or nature of what this member writes that will ever be consistant with the philosophy and teachings of Jesus.

    Christian Zionism is a total perversion of the messages of Jesus, and to Christianity at large.

    There is nothing religous of spiritual about it.

    Sure, you will get plenty of warped and out of context scripture quotes from the glutton that is John Hagee.

    However, go listen to him speak. It's just a facade. He is little more than a shill, promoted on purpose, to hijack the message of Jesus, through the captive audience of believers. He is misleading them.

    If so called Christian Zionism is based on any religous text at all, it would be more in keeping with the wicked nature of the OT, and it's 'tooth for a tooth' mantra. Something which Jesus actually preached against in the NT, which I thought was meant to be be book of true Christians.

    Also keep in mind that only a couple of weeks ago, this member was speaking of his desire to gather together some men, and 'go around the world, hunting and killing terrorists, free from any international or domestic laws'.

    His caveat was that maybe he couldn't get directly involved, 'owing to his Christian leanings'.

    More lies and deceptions.

    A true Christian would know that to even harbour this notion would be against the word of Jesus.

    Christian Zionism is almost exclusive to the US. An Israeli/Zionist/Jewish construct.

    This is about 55 mins long, but explains it well, if you are interested.

    cable2 likes this.
  25. EFFIT

    EFFIT New Member

    Apr 3, 2012
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    Shall we ask the Queen of England? She has been around since this modern Israel/Arab conflict began and might have actually drawn up the plans for division of land on her EtchASketch. Because that is who we are going to do the hour long shows about as if people have not figured that chick out by now! And then we shall learn of the new royals and totally ignore our own people and government. Perhaps at night we sit down and take time to listen to Piers Morgan blabber his poppycock through the United States as though he has a clue what he could be talking about and maybe he could convince Tonya Harding to come on his show and teach us Olympic History.
    So here I troll 'cause I do not know the truth about anything anymore. Nice try PF. Be back when there's something relevant to say (Uh yeah it may be a while)

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