It's amazing, isn't it? When did the right get so childish? I've been on this forum for less than a year and every time I log in, I see foul language and personal attacks from the far right, and whatever Gatewood just did. Is there a formal logical fallacy for blaming one person for every potential problem?
Seriously that is simply idiotic. We immediately realized this was bogus and only the Obama haters thought is was real. They are either too dumb for words or so full of hate they have have become delusional.
so whats the new slogan...... "The Few, The Proud AND Fabulous, The Marines" ??? the pussification of America continues.
You mean how Obama always blamed Bush? Yeah it's called politics. Go figure. - - - Updated - - - Hmmmm . . . rechecking early posts by leftwingers . . . no, they did not immediately realize that it was a bogus story and nor did they deny that it was something that Obama would do if he could. So it goes.
All this chest beating is a little premature. The story of the hats is true. Of course Obama's involvement is speculation, but the STORY IS TRUE. The hats are being considered and the pictures were released by the Marines. Yes, the story was embellished right out of the gate... but it's based on an actual survey by the Corps. Your beloved hero has been cleared. The ugly hats haven't been ruled out yet.
You know what's true? Full Metal Jacket is the best Marine movie ever!! Love when it's on and Sgt. Hartman starts verbally abusing the ladies!
Because there is a level of either idiocy or hate that has this being some kind of conspiracy of the President trying to do something to the marines. So the story here is simply untrue and yet right wing sheep continue to bleat it out.
Yep. Pettiness. Unless of course you were the marine wearing that girly hat, but what do liberals care about those individuals most invested in securing your freedom to make posts like this? Dress them up like girls and make them die for your liberties.
I bet it is disappointing to learn it's not a hoax. At least Obama's been cleared, according to Stars & Stripes. But the hats are real. And they were probably threatened with their rank if they leaked the fact that Barack designed the little pillbox version.
The USMC shouldn't change its uniform. That said, POTUS isn't involved with military uniform changes. Sergeants Major and Generals are the chefs in that kitchen.
are you hallucinating? please show me where i uttered anything about Obama in my first post on this subject.
Read the freaking thread title......for the love of God the right wing noise machine's experiment is being proved here daily.
I'm still confused if this is even a real story or not - according to some posters it's a parody story which originated from a satire site like the Onion
They definitely look French...just what Obama wants us to become...European-esk This picture is from the New York Post. The cost is enormous also. According to the memo obtained by The Post, requiring all troops to use the Daly cover will cost $8,221,958. Going with the traditional cap will save $284,043, because the current female caps are more expensive.
Want to tell that to most big city fire departments or the French Foreign Legion? BTW, anybody who cites Allen West on much of anything to support an argument starts out with a deficit.