, So here we are. Obama taking apart the military also. I guess it was too tough. Rough necks are just too rough it may seem. I guess they want to put all marines on bikes and have them wear jeans like our dear leader. My God we have become the laughing stock of the entire world. Mod edit: This is moved to Humor, because this is at best satire. Stars and Stripes reports that the story is false, with the following quote: Obviously not the thread creator's fault, because it was being reported all over the internet, but if it's been debunked, it can't stay in Current Events.
" Common dress blues uniforms for Marines, regardless of gender, could be on the horizon pending results of a multimonth wear test underway at Marine Barracks Washington, D.C. Women stationed there have been wearing men’s white dress covers since the start of this year’s parade season. A select few also are wearing a modified version of the male dress blues jacket featuring its distinctive mandarin-style collar trimmed with the Corps’ gold eagle, globe and anchor insignia. The experiment began quietly this spring, an initiative led by the commandant, Gen. Jim Amos, and the barracks commander, Col. Christian Cabaniss, said Capt. Jack Norton, a spokesman there. After Aug. 31, the end of parade season, Cabaniss will solicit feedback from the women who tested out the new gear. For now, only women will be surveyed, Norton said. It’s unclear how the Marines’ feedback will be collected, he added. It will be compiled into a report and submitted to Amos, who for now appears to be keeping his distance from the wear test. His spokesman, Lt. Col. Wesley Hayes, declined to discuss the matter or answer questions about it. The uniform experiment comes as the service continues to introduce changes aimed at improving gender equality, most falling in line with the Defense Department’s mandate to open more jobs to women. For instance, starting next year, female Marines will be required to perform pullups on their annual Physical Fitness Tests, as men do, and the service is developing “gender-neutral” physical standards that will become part of Marines’ job requirements. Additionally, officials are making a concerted effort to put more women in key leadership roles. And “as we’re re-evaluating the role of women in the Marine Corps as a whole,” Norton said, “we’re also re-evaluating the uniforms that are being used.” I had no Idea the President was in charge of Wardrobe.....damn, this guy must never sleep.
Outrageous – Barack Hussein Obama Wants To Spend $8 Million to Make All U.S. Marines Wear Girl Hats!
The "new Marines" could stand guard at the pink White House and not clash. The new look for Marine guards - circa 2020.
Got to admit the new covers do look fruity, but I find it difficult to believe the President makes these sorts of executive decisions on uniforms. Someone did make a bad choice, but it's further down the chain of command. ,
God you people should pick your battles more carefully. There are far more obvious things to be outraged about than a marines hat. Which only looks girly because you were told so. You just look nutty (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)ing about the little things.
I love how conservatives think Obama is so involved with military decisions that they believe he's in the oval office with a sewing kit designing marine hats. This was almost certainly a decision made completely by the Marines themselves.
As a Marine, I can't even express my heartfelt disdain for Barack Obama at this moment. This is infuriating. Wasn't ending DODT enough? Why must we try to make males and females look alike? - - - Updated - - - Didn't you read? This comes from a direct order from the CiC to make males and females look more alike.
Cause its a girls hat. Do we really need to spend this money, we're kinda broke..... but hey, dontchu worry, we'll just print more money.... right?
You must just hate having to serve with openly gay people - - - Updated - - - What makes it a girls hat? If you hadn't noticed they are different sizes..
I'm a former Marine. Been out for many years. - - - Updated - - - What makes it a girls' hat is the fact that female Marines have worn it for a long time, while male Marines have worn the wider cover, also for a very long time. To any living generation of Marines, that's a female dress blues cover!
Meh. Not as weird as those new Navy BDUs that are dark blue. Still prefer Air Force uniforms, but I am biased. Read somewhere recently that there has been some changes to their uniforms that wasn't popular.
I can actually see a valid strategic reason for doing that. Very similar to the reason The Brittish very quickly had their officers stop dressing like peacocks. Because the Americans were targeting the peacocks. No doubt women will be targeted once they start running combat assignments to. The hats are ugly though. - - - Updated - - - Never underestimate the value that tradition plays in the US military. It's important, for many reasons.
BS, a hat does not make a guy into a girl, period. If you don't like the hats, fine, I'm ok with that, but a hat does not transgress gender.
The combat utility uniform is already the same for males and females. That is a dress uniform cover. There is no strategic reason for changing. It's because Obama wants women and men to look more alike. Some gay female general probably complained to him.
Of course that's a dress uniform, but occasionally dress uniforms ARE worn in combat zones. For instance, the entire of South Korea is designated a combat zone, yet there are occasions that call for a dress uniform. As I said, I can see legitimate reasons for this. What I can't see is why the POTUS would be involved at all, especially a POTUS with no military experience. Not to say I'd be surprised if he were involved, I mean the dude can't leave anything alone, just that as you know usually a board of advisors made up of current and former military along with a few people from the DoD are who come up with uniform designs, not the POTUS. This is akin to the CEO of WM designing a display stand for a local WM.
What is outrages is that DoD is going to spend 8mil on this. The question that someone needs to ask: is this needed right now? - - - Updated - - - When someone says combat zone, what are you thinking in your head?