So is this even a real story, or is it satire? - one of the posters said it came from a parody "news" site like The Onion.
One has to wonder about the conservatives on this forum. Are they really that scared about some hat feminizing soldiers?
No...apparently they seem to enjoy considering satire to be fact. Even when it is pointed out to them.
It's a real story. Seems the libs are the ones being fooled. Nothing new here. Happens every election. ROFLMAO
It is not speculation, it is made up nonsense, clear satire. This has been clearly demonstrated. Apparently, there are folks who fell for it. Yes, you claimed as much. I am just amazed that so many are so quick to believe the utterly ridiculous sounding rather than doing cursory search
That sounds like a gross and dishonest mischaracterization what happened here. Correct me if I am wrong, though I am not, but it would appear that there were a plethora of folks that bought this until I was the one that pointed out that it was satirical.
The only part thats untrue (maybe) is Obamas involvement. The hat story is fact. You're the one who got suckered into saying its a hoax.
I am? By pointing out that the story of the president's involvement came form a satirical website? that is really (*)(*)(*)(*)ing odd. I was the one that did not fall for it, yet you are claiming the complete and total opposite of reality. Your statement is verifiable false, the inverse of what actually happened here. I am truly amazed at the denial of reality.
Now, below, a poster is claiming that after doing additional checking it appears to be factual after all. But the point being that everyone -- including leftwingers -- really thought that this was something that Obama really would do strictly for ideological reasons; which is pretty cool.
The president is not ordering hats to be unisex. That story is satirical. I am truly in awe over the failure of folks to embrace the reality of the world, in this case and verified and demonstrated.
Heh, I'm not arguing the veracity of the story one way or the other. I am merely commenting on the amusing reaction of leftwingers. It was sort of along the lines of, "Oh c*rap, what is our idiot-in-chief up to now? Can't the man stay out of trouble even for two weeks consecutively?"
Excellent, then we agree that your posts in response to me do not accurately reflect any contentions I have made in this thread.
Amazing that even the mods came in and pointed out that this is a FALSE story, yet rightes keep rambling on, an excellent example of their inability to admit they are being played and fell for another BS story. And you people want to run the Nation and wonder why the American Voters are turning their backs on you, jeeeez take a look in the mirror.
LMAO the reason you shut down the government is because there is no more money to be spent. You don't cost the government billions ona shutdown. It was over Obamacare and wanting to delay it, of which democrats are now saying the same thing.
The DoD is part of the Obama admin. Obama is ultimately responsible for his administration and it is radically progressive.
Strange how righties still do not know it is They Themselves that shutdown the government, don't you constantly whine that people do not take responsibility for their actions, so is it a case of do as I say, not as I do?
Wouldn't it be nice if every thread beginning 'Obama' could carry the warning, 'A thread for right-wingers to rant together'. Race hate is not as pleasant thing for us foreigners to be so frequently faced with.
Wrong again the right had to drop their stand because they knew they would have committed total political suicide since they finally figured out the Dems were not going to allow the Repubs to hold the government and Nation Hostage and the American people, for the most part, knew who was to blame, no matter what some rightie hacks tried claiming. - - - Updated - - - They outlawed slavery long before the US and they did not need to fight the most costly war in their history to get it done.
hahahaha. So its their fault for closing it, but when they voted to open it, it wasn't their doing. lmfao. liberal logic The English are the ones who sold the slaves and took them from their homeland. They are the worst racist offenders in history.
Correct, glad to see you are finally learning how your boys operate in Washingtoon. They stopped selling slaves long before we ending the practice of buying and owning human beings. You might want to brush up on your World history.
Marines should be in charge of their own damn uniform and look. President Obama has more pressing issues to attend to and should leave Marine uniform aesthetics to that division.