i did read the thread title, but you are claiming im following it when i said nothing about Obama. The story about the hats is true, and they do look like a womans hat and they are considering changing them to that unisex looking piece of crap. good god, the liberal spin machine is in full force as well.
oh lord here comes another one. please go back to my first post on here, and if i said anything about Obama designing the hats i will send you $100 Paypal. my only comment was the hats are (*)(*)(*)(*)ing ugly, they look stupid, and it just shows the pussification of this country is going strong. I never mentioned Obama, so *******n it will you people stop saying i did. jesus christ stop hallucinating.
What it shows is that there are folks who are willing to believe anything as long as it confirms their bias and casts the President in a bad light. If there was an "article" that said Obama wanted to get rid of electricity and go back to using fireplaces and lanterns, there would be thread after thread of you and others frothing at the mouth over it, even if the article came from www.imadethisup.com Likewise, if Obama does something good, the usual suspects try their damndest to tear it apart, also because it confirms their bias that Obama could never do anything good. If there was an "article" that came out and said "Obama cures Cancer, millions saved" we'd be hearing from the usual folks about how Obama is "wasting tax payer money" and "Why is he wasting time with Cancer. Typical liberal". When the conclusion is always that Obama is horrible yada yada yada, the details are only a tertiary concern. This thread goes to show that quite clearly. Nobody stopped to think about whether it actually makes sense that the President of the United States is spending his time picking out hats for marines. It was simply Bad Thing - Obama - THAT'S ALL I NEED TO HEAR!
I am so sick of this Administration. They are really (*)(*)(*)(*)ing this country up with all their PC bull(*)(*)(*)(*). Obama is a POS.
It is the Marine Corp looking into the hats, Not the DoD: A Marine official says that recently the Marine Corps Uniform Board, comprised of non-commissioned officers and officers, discussed a change in the headgear known as a “cover” as a means of streamlining uniform rules for men and women. Since 1952 female Marines have worn distinctive service caps known as “bucket cover.” About 6 percent of the 195,000 Marines in active duty are women. A survey was emailed to all active duty and reserve Marines earlier this week to gauge their preference about moving towards a new hat or requiring female Marines to wear a modified version of the male version of the cover. The survey will conclude on Friday. Members of the Marine Corps Uniform Board working this issue do not seem to support the switch to a unisex cap. According to a copy of the survey obtained by ABC News none of the working group members supported the idea of a universal cover. The board will meet next Tuesday and use the results of the survey to help them decide if a change is necessary. Whatever recommendation they make will then have to be approved by Gen. James Amos, the Marine Corps Commandant. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/10/marines-thinking-about-switching-to-a-new-unisex-hat/ I do not like the hat either, but then again I am not in the Corps so could not really care. You added the other stuff, small or large it was still Off Topic, good of you to admit it. Sorry, but I Never surrender.
i think they would look even better if they were hot pink in color and maybe the us flag in rainbow colors of the lbgt symbol...that would scare the crap out of the enemies...or they would be laughing so hard they couldnt fight
I was appalled to see my Grandson come home from Army Basic Training and school at Fort Rucker wearing a beret. Damme, we had the full blown dress bonnets or even C__t Caps, that always looked classy.
are parading their MACHO again. Too bad they have neither the justification for it nor the brains to check into the topic before shooting off their yaps. It seems the force behind this (possible) change is NOT President Obama but an organization these people may have heard of. Do the initials USMC ring a bell?
Actually, the Marines have confirmed that the story is horse(*)(*)(*)(*). Just more right-wing blogospherical bullcrap. “The president in no way, shape or form directed the Marine Corps to change our uniform cover,” according to the Marine Corps statement. “We are looking for a new cover for our female Marines for one overriding reason: The former manufacturer went out of business. … The Marine Corps has zero intention of changing the male cover.” http://www.stripes.com/news/us/mari...-obama-s-alleged-push-for-girly-hats-1.248963 It's sad that the right-wing will believe just about anything they are told without question. No wonder they vote Republican...
your link only states that Obama had nothing to do with the decision of changing the hats. the story about wanting to possibly change the cover is still true. read your own link. again you would have a point if i said anything about Obama having something to do with it. for (*)(*)(*)(*)s sake this is like the 10th time i have had to explain this point to every *******n liberal that has answered my posts.