Questions for Muslims

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Blackrook, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    lol I asked you to do it first, now you are avoiding it and trying to make me do it. I could do it, and I actually already have. But just watch that video, it explains 4:34 for you.

    It's obvious, you can't answer the simple question: why don't you post the verses before and after the verses you frequently posts on this forum?

    You're trying so hard to avoid the subject but you aren't fooling anybody. I'm still waiting...

    Salam :)
  2. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    And I know a lot about horses pertaining to Unicorns. But I don't make a little quiz about it to try and look smart ;)

    atleast you admit you don't know much about Islam, even though thats still a bit generous.

    Salam :)
  3. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    And if I posted the verses (you mean suras 4:33 & 4:35 ?) before and after 4:34 you think that's going to tell Muslim husbands to NOT do what sura 4:34 tells them they should do ? I'm beginning to wonder if you are OK in the head. And I'm not avoiding them at all. I asked you to post them - hardly an avoidance. I know they're not going to change anything - there's nothing to avoid. Here is 4:33 in in English. Sorry the Arabic was a picture and I couldn't copy/paste it.

    "And for all, We have made heirs to what is left by parents and relatives. And to those whom your oaths have bound [to you] - give them their share. Indeed Allah is ever, over all things, a Witness." (Koran 4:33)

    "And if you fear dissension between the two, send an arbitrator from his people and an arbitrator from her people. If they both desire reconciliation, Allah will cause it between them. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Acquainted [with all things]." (Koran 4:35)

    No matter what these 2 suras say, neither of them says anything about not beating a wife. Sura 4:34 stands 100% INTACT, no meaning changes, whatsoever.

    The only way sura 4:34 could be changed to say that husbands should NOT beat their wives is if the Koran were changed to eliminate that. In 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has been changed. And it won't be changed because nutty-brained Muslims think this trash is the word of God, and that can't be changed.

    So the only thing that we normal Americans (and non-Muslims everywhere) can do is to restrict immigration of Muslims into our countries. Expel any who warrant deportation, ban Islam totally, close down all mosques, and get rid of every copy of the book of hate from every library, bookstore, etc., along with all jihad bomb-making instruction books, and all stealth jihad crap as well, and arrest and jail anybody who beats anybody. Also CAIR, ISNA, and any other Muslim Brotherhood organizations should be outlawed as part of a general ban on Islam for it seditious and unconstitutional supremacism.
  4. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    HA HA. Nice try again. I didn't say I don't know much about Islam, I said I didn't "need" to know so much about it. Knowing about Islam is totally unnecessary in the United States. All we need to know is about OUR nation and OUR culture, and anybody who lives here, better know how WE do things in OUR way of doing things, or they might find themselves in prison for a very long time or dead, having received the death penalty.

    How Muslims do things which are contrary to our constitution, laws and way of life are irrelevant to us, except in a law enforcement mode.

    As for the quiz, its not to make me look smart. I think I am of average intelligence. The difference between me and you, and other ignorant Islamapologists is that I have taken the time (10 years) and trouble to research Islamization, and you haven't. The Quiz is merely a vehicle which demonstrates that. It is often necessary because ignorance has a unique characteristic to it. When one is ignorant of something (like Islamization), they often are ignorant that they are ignorant, or are ignorant of how much they are ignorant. I've noticed that many Islamapologists who deliberately avoid books by protectionist scholars, simply don't know how much they don't know. Of course not. They've never been exposed to the information.
    Often they will think they know 90% of the issue, when actually, they know 5%, if that much (because they don't know what 100% is). That's where the Quiz comes in. It gives them a portion of that 100% so they (you) can look at it and say "Gee, I didn't know there was all that stuff to know".

    READ BABY, READ. Despite invalidation being hardwired into you, just once you could try picking up a book by one of the notable protectionists** and read it objectively. Otherwise, you will always be subdued by the jihad propaganda machine.

    1. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel

    2. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) by Robert Spencer

    3. Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer

    4. Infiltration by Paul Sperry

    5. The Day of Islam by Dr. Paul Williams

    6. Sharia: the Threat to America by the Center for Security Policy

    7. The Third Jihad (DVD) by Dr. Zuddhi Jasser

    8. Muslim Mafia by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry

    I doubt if this will have any effect on YOU, because you're an Islamist, and probably a member of one of the Muslim Brotherhood groups, and part of that jihad propaganda machine, and that's what your posts here are, but this can have a positive effect on the other forum readers, who unlike you, are not a lost cause.
  5. Mayerling

    Mayerling Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2008
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    it would be best not to respond to these posts. It will not make a difference and there is no debate. Why encourage blatant racism.
  6. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    If you see racism somewhere, and you describe it as "blatant" then surely
    it should be easy for you to describe where/how you see racism. So go ahead. Let's hear it.
  7. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Very true, probably the smartest post in this thread lol...

    Protectionist, I will not respond to you until you answer the question: Why don't you ever post the verses BEFORE and AFTER the verses you frequently post on this forum?

    As for you new favorite verse:

    [ame=""]Yusuf Estes Husband wife in Islam Qur'an 4:34 - YouTube[/ame]

    Try again.

    Salam :)
  8. Indigo

    Indigo New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    protectionist, at least watch the video. then critique it. there is no need to be incredibly backward.
    I believe that there are things wrong in the Islamic world, but I believe there are things also wrong with Athiesm, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. Can you at least try to,for one second, take into consideration what is said in that video. It more than refutes many things you have said about Islam.
    I swear, if people actually listened in a debate, politics would be useless. no one even takes into consideration that the other side could be right, or at least has good points.
  9. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    HA HA HA. Your deceit has always been in the realm of ridiculous but this one takes the cake. You ask (in post # 357) "Why don't you ever post the verses BEFORE and AFTER the verses you frequently post on this forum?"

    Well, maybe because I just get through doing exactly that (in post # 353), 27 hours before you asked me to do it. Do you always go around asking people to do what they have already done 2 days earlier ? LOL.
  10. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Yeah, I watched it. So ? Yet another Islamapologist propagandizer trying to distort/whitewash Islam into something acceptable. YAWNNNN !!! Anybody that would fall for the balderdash this clown is spilling, needs to take some stupid pills in a hurry.
    The Koran says "beat them". This guy (et al Islamapologists) can talk all he wants, and until he's blue in the face, he's not going to delete the words "beat them" out of Sura 4:34. It's there. It means Muslim husbands should beat their wives - there is no other meaning. "Beat them" means only one thing > Beat them.
  11. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    (That didn't answe the question. You've posted many other verses which is why the "s" was bolded)

    Salam :)
  12. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    There's another ( and better) reason why I might not respond to you. You're meaningless.
    LOL. And you still have punked out on the Quiz (MR QUIZ ZERO).
  13. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    (The Quiz is a waste of time. Infact, who wastes their time making The Quiz on a fairytale? But you will respond to me. Always. Because you love me, deep down inside. :date: :hug:)

    Salam :heart:
  14. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Fairytale. Oh yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiight ! So Lina Morales is a fairy tale ? Nope, she's a real person, victim of Islamization. So are all these people who had their freedom of speech attacked by fascist Muslims :

    the 1994 movie True Lies, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, with its depiction of a motley crew of bad guy *******s known as the "Crimson Jihad" in part, spawned the founding of CAIR, one of the Muslim Brotherhood's main front groups in America, almost totally dedicated to stifling free speech if they think it's offensive to Muslims (even when its true).

    Since then, often in cahoots with the ACLU (American Civil Laughingstock union), CAIR has been in the forefront of speech censorship in America. One of their most famous atrocities (freedomwise), was the Sum of All Fears.
    . The 2002 movie, based on the 1991 book, was changed from showing Muslim terrorists to showing Neo-Nazi terrorists. (Guess Aryan Nation doesn't have CAIR's clout, huh ?) All from the interference and pressure of CAIR. Not wanting Muslim terrorist shown as what they are (like in True Lies), with a relentless campaign of intimidation, CAIR forced Paramount Pictures to change the script. The film's director, Phil Alden Robinson, even had to write an apology to CAIR.

    Radio talk show hosts have long been the victims of CAIR's determination to restrict American free speech. In July 2005, WMAL-AM radio fired Michael Graham for his remark criticizing Islam as an instigator of terror. Graham got fired for telling the truth. Even if it had been false or debateable, since when are people fired for exercising free speech ? Answer ? Since 1994, when CAIR came into operation. And the list of CAIR's free speech restriction targets is long. For a brief sample they include radio personality Paul Harvey, Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA), terrorism expert Daniel Pipes, columnist Cal Thomas, National Review magazine, the TV show 24, and many others. Michael Savage is another radio talk show host CAIR went after for his no-nonsense speech about stealth jihad Muslims on his show, the Savage Nation. The imposed a boycott and fought a hard fight. In the end however, Savage prevailed, and CAIR was forced to admit defeat on that battle. Seemed like Savage's listeners, knowing about the CAIR boycott, went out and bought the show sponsors' goods all the more, boosting their sales. LOL.

    I myself have been banned from some computer forums, for nothing more than posting suras of the Koran, the Muslim Brotherhood's Explanatory Memorandum, and a list of Muslim terror attacks going back to the 1970s.

    Even in this very forum, a list of books by protectionists is branded as hate and bigoted, an indirect from of censorship. Of course when the Islamapologists making those absurd charges are called upon to report what in the books they consider hate or bigoted. The answer is silence, or a change of the subject indicating those people never read the books.

    And who can ever forget the Danish cartoon fiasco ? That created Muslim intimidation, including attempted murder of the cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, heightened security at the offices of Jyllands-Posten, and the white flag of surrender hanging from the buildings of the New York Times, LA Times et al prominent publications that refused to publish these cartoons. So now instead of getting "All the News That's Fit to Print" (the times motto), we get that minus what CAIR doesn't want us to see.

    And who can forget the murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, who was shot and stabbed, and throat slashed by a Morrocan Islamist in the street. And another Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders, creater of the film Fitna (controversial for telling the truth), in January 2009, was ordered by the Amsterdam Court of Appeal for prosecution for "incitement to hatred and discrimination" (AKA forget free speech). Wilders was acquitted of these charges on 23 June 2011. Muslim groups are working to get the charges reinstated.

    Still more examples of Muslim attacks on free speech and its speakers are Oriana Fallaci author of the passionate post 9/11 book The Rage and the Pride. Swiss authorities, pressured by the radical Muslim group Islamic Center of Geneva, went after Fallaci to arrest her but she fled to her native Italy. There cowardly officials, also pressured by totalitarian-minded Muslims, indicted her in May 2005 for allegedly writing a book that defames Islam. One might wonder how could any book written truthfully about Islam do anything other than defame it ? Its whole history is one giant defamation of itself. Fallaci was also charged with racism in France. In the end, she escaped prosecution (remember, this is all for exercising free speech) only by leaving Europe and moving to New York. She predicted she would be found guilty of all charges against her, and soon died thereafter in 2006 (quite possibly from all the stress she went through.

    Other victims of Muslim attacks on free speech were Brigitte Bardot, convicted 5 times in France for "inciting racial hatred" (one wonders how the French envisioned Islam as a "race"). In June 2008, the 73 year old Bardot was fined 15,000 euros ($23,000) for writing that the Islamic community in France was "destroying our country and imposing it acts".

    Canada is another country that has come down hard on authors expressing their opinions regarding Islam. Villainized authors there include Mark Steyn (his book America Alone), Macleans magazine, and Eara Levant (the Standard).

    And back in the USA again there's Rachel Ehrenfeld of American Center for Democracy and author of Funding Evil, whose legal battle against Saudi billionaire Khalid Salim bib Mahfouz who sued her, lost but won an appeal countersuit. even still Ehrenfeld writings have been banned in Britain, and she cannot travel there. In the countersuit the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York declared that the British judgement was unenforceable on a US citizen and gave US writers protection from legal intimidation (the primary weapon of steath jihad Muslims most notably CAIR). On April 30, 2008, New York Governor David Patterson signed the The Libel Terrorism Protection Act which has come to be known as "Rachel's Law".

    FACTS. FACTS. FACTS. And we all know who is telling the "fairytales" around here.
  15. Ingledsva

    Ingledsva New Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    "Islam's Holy Book, The Quran, supports the text of the Ten Commandments. Read the article written by Dr. Irshad,"

    There are two declarations, which are necessary:
    1- To bear witness that no one deserves to be worshiped except Allah.
    2- To bear witness that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah.

    and a ritual cleansing.

    A story as old as time! LOL! Even some Gnostic groups say he wasn't killed.

    The Bible says all can be children of God. Obviously all are not God.

    No - nor Hebrew - nor Christian - nor any other religion.
  16. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I Googled "Lina Morales". Quick look, and couldn't find anything. Maybe she is a fairy tale.

    I don't know... It sounds like you think only Islamophobes have the right to free speech? Like for example the radio host situation. Obviously the man is representing the radio station (being the host on the air) so what he says is then used to represent the radio station. Now, maybe the radio owner doesn't want people to think the radio station supports anti-Islamic views... So he fired the guy. That's the radio owner expressing his own opinion.

    CAIR is a civil-rights group for Muslims. Do you expect them to encourage such opinions? Did Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. encourage the persecution of African American's? Does it make you angry that you can't openly call African Americans "n!ggers" anymore? I think you need to find the meaning of civil-right lobby groups.

    As far as I know, CAIR hasn't been putting guns to people's heads to force them to change or apologize for anything. They lobby for what they claim to be fighting for which is Muslim-American rights. Those b@stards...

    Honestly, you should be more worried about AIPAC than CAIR. But if you want to lose sleep because of the boogeyman under the bed when the real monster is in the closet, go ahead.

    Salam :)
  17. Mayerling

    Mayerling Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2008
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    Why do you even bother responding to this individual. Ignoring him and his posts would be the best response of all. It is evident that he does not believe in free debate but only in shoving his agenda of personal hatred and paranoia
    down all of this forum's throat. Ignoring these posts would be the best medicine of all to calm the fever within.
  18. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    HA HA, O h man you give me a lot of work, you know that ? You shoulld be paying me for all this Islamization education I.m giving you. OK, let's get started on all your misinformation.

    1. Yeah, I already know you are ignorant about Lina Morales. Fairy tale ? HA HA. She was one of the names in the Islamization Quiz (which you got a zero on, remember ?) Lina Morales was the woman who was fired from her job because her Muslim bosses objected to her doing what is a staple of American culture - bringing a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich to work. They also crabbed when she brought a frozen pizza with sausage and Canadian bacon (also a typical American food).

    Well, what a surprise. The Click Orlando story has disappeared out of the internet. Wierd. But you can still click this link and it will show you the various websites that carried the story and some of the descriptions tell the story even without clicking on them.,cf.osb&fp=ac1a12056b5f6ec3&biw=853&bih=498

    2. As for the radio stations, they are caving in to Islamist pressure from CAIR, ISAN et al who routinely tie companies up in court with lawsuits. Easy for CAIR. Difficu;t for the companies when they have a business to run, so they just pacify CAIR by lambasting the radio jock, and thereby avoiding litigation. This has been going on for years.

    3. CAIR, a civil rights organization ? HA HA HA. CAIR is an unindicted coconspirator in the 2008 Hamas terrorist funding trial (US vs Holy Land Fopundation) and a Muslim brotherhood front organization, both classifications from the US Justice Dept. See Muslim Mafia by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry which contains 56 pages of CAIR internal documents that they thought were being shredded by Chris Gaubatz who worked undercover in CAIR for 6 months along with Stefanie Creswell and Charety Zhe who laughably are shown in photos in the book wearing hijabs (headscarves) when they were pretending to be Muslims, doing their undercover investigation for the book. Read the book (Muslim Mafia) - it's a terrific expose' of a terrorist affiliated (right arm of Hamas in the US) Muslim Brotherhood organization.

    4. It is sickening every time I hear a legitimate civil rights movement, and the name Martin Luther King, being compared to the Muslim attempt to destroy America.
  19. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    This post is a perfect example of YOUR intolerance for free speech and for content that you don't like. As for what you define "the fever within", I doubt if you have any idea of what you're talking about. Here's a little reading for you.

    Read Baby, Read. Learn Baby, Learn.
  20. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I know. But I don't meet too many people like this and it's a little fun messing with him.

    Anyway, That said it's getting a bit too repetitive lately... Yaaaawn..... Literally the same thing over and over, just reworded.
  21. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    I got an idea to relieve your boredom from this forum. Read the protectionist books I suggested. Then when you come back here, you might even know what you're talking about when the subject of Islamization comes up. You might even improve on that grade you got on the Islamization Quiz. What was it again ? Zero ? LOL.

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