Well if you knew anything from your picture those empires prior to the establishments were religious. And the dark ages were really just dark for W. Europe. Plus a lot of blame for the dark ages on more than just the spread of Christianity.
The dark ages weren't caused by Christianity, they happened despite Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church was the only thing that survived the fall of the Roman Empire, and if weren't for the Catholic Church there would have been complete chaos. The whole notion of knightly chivarly and honor was started by the Catholic Church, to turn brutal warriors into gentlemen. The knowledge of the Greeks was preserved in the Catholic monastaries. Had the Catholic Church not existed, the dark ages would have lasted much longer.
First you say no one said Christians had the right to force their beliefs on others and now you say because they are the majority they do have the right. Which is it ?
ROFL .. Are you making up fairy tales now to tell to your children, because that story certainly has nothing to do with history.
If you think that one was funny, then you ought to read this one: http://www.politicalforum.com/4537364-post106.html
You seem to agree with Christian folks forcing their beliefs on others. Is this your belief or isn't it ?
Be more specific when you make a request. Are you asking if Christianity is my belief? or are you asking if "forcing" "Christianity on others" is my belief?
Giftedone, I have noticed glaring historical errors in every one of your posts. You have your own personal version of world history shared by no one but yourself.
My Christian beliefs have nothing to do with the manner in which secular law is implemented. You brought in the subject of secular law by virtue of the Borders scenario. So do you want to talk about secular law or do you want to talk about Gods Law? Make up your mind.
No I don't believe that Christian folks should 'force' their beliefs on others. On the other hand, you have not shown where any Christians are 'forcing' their beliefs on anyone. Cite an example.
Come on .. please tell me you can not come up with at least 3 or for examples on your own. Try starting with prohibition and work your way up from there .. When you get to abortion, pot, porn then try and figure out 4 or 5 more.
Christians get involved in secular law. Right wing folks try and get the government to make laws in keeping with what they feel is Gods law. In doing so they get the state to enforce their beliefs on others ...
And your point? Are you now admitting that I am right in saying that the majority rules? That would mean that the United States is a Christian nation. Ruled by Christians, laws established by Christians, etc. Are you truly making that suggestion?
Why should I come up with any examples when it is you that made the claim? Your claim, your obligation to show the evidence. Now in any of those examples you cited, where is the evidence that you are required to show that would support your claim that it was Christians who were responsible for the passage of such laws?
so now that i have established that religion is no longer relevant i have started a new thread on religion..its this one...http://www.politicalforum.com/religion/210554-why-there-so-many-priests-pedos.html
I have never disagreed with your claim. It is the definition of democracy. I do not suggest that the US should become a theocracy. I do not think that all or even most Christians believe the US should become a theocracy. What I suggest is that we educate all people about the constitution which makes it clear that the state is not to impose religion and stress the values of limited government intervention in the daily lives of citizens and respect for individual freedom and liberty. In keeping with the Constitution it should be stressed that there is a difference between "having a belief", and forcing that belief on others. If one believes in freedom and liberty, having a personal religious belief is not a valid justification for getting the state to force that belief on others. If you are only for freedom for things you agree with, then you are really not for freedom at all.
The temperence movement was a Christian/religious movement. Prohibition Religious leaders paraded around the country giving political speaches decrying the evils of alcohol. The anti-porn movement - Religious folks and feminazi's (feminists now apologise for their misguided sisters and women are now large consumers of porn) Religious leaders were very vocal decrying the evils of porn. Abortion - Christian/Religious movement "brainwashing the nations young with disinformation". Christian lobby groups .. and so on. There is a difference between a local Pastor saying that God does not like alcohol, porn, and abortion (even though the Bible encourages drinking in places, "water into wine .. and in the OT - law of the tithe, commands abortion in laws, and has little to say about porn) and getting political about it.
You still have not shown any proof of Christians being involved in any of those cited activities. Did you question all of those people involved and perhaps do a spiritual test to determine whether or not they were factually Christian? No? Then you are merely stating an opinion based on an observation that did not display all the necessary details. It is a presumption in all of the cases you cited.
whatever dude .. if you are too clued out of reality to have never seen preachers demonizing porn .. have never watched the movie about larry flint, have never heard of religious organizations that lobby for abortion, then you are too dilusional for me to waste my time pulling up the hundreds of examples readily available on the internet, television, radio, in print, and so on. Yeah .. duh oh .. I interviewed them all personally and did a spiritual test on every one.
Ole Hillary Clinton had a good little motto going one time in regards to the use of drugs... "Just say no".. Well, that is exactly what I do with subject matters that I do not want taking up space in my mind. If they are in my mind, then they are constantly there to remind me of crap that I don't care anything about. In other words, I choose what I will keep in my mind. I don't expose myself to that type of stuff, and when that kind of stuff is thrown at me, I simply cast it into that mental waste basket and put no more thought to it. So now, you probably have a good idea of my feelings about your concerns in regard to my mental condition. Where is that trash can at... Oh yeah... there it is. That would be another lie. You never interviewed me .... prior to the discussion we are currently having.