If little girls are made of sugar & spice & everything nice, why do they smell like anchovies? - - - Updated - - - 3 people having sex is a threesome. 2 people having sex is a twosome. Next time someone tells you you're HANDsome, it might not be a compliment!
Why do black people and orientals hate sprinkler systems? Because they go.....ch!nk ch!nk ch!nk ch!nk ch!nk ... n!gga n!gga n!gga n!gga n!gga
Aussies: Dislike being mistaken for Pommies (Brits) when abroad. Canadians: Are rather indignant about being mistaken for Americans when abroad. Americans: Encourage being mistaken for Canadians when abroad. Brits: Can't possibly be mistaken for anyone else when abroad. Americans: Seem to think that poverty and failure are morally suspect. Canadians: Seem to believe that wealth and success are morally suspect. Brits: Seem to believe that wealth, poverty, success, and failure are inherited. Aussies: Seem to think that none of this matters after several beers.
What did the bartender say when a black guy, a mexican, and a jew walked in? Get the (*)(*)(*)(*) out.
In drama we were practicing the end of our play. As the coupled walked away, someone yelled out "you like them black chicks" . I then yelled "everyone likes black chicks. I began the apology process with "so I couldn't help but notice you're black."
By definition, would that include Australians as well? ***** I ran into Hitler. I was surprised to see him and asked him what he was up to? He said "This time I am going to kill 6 million Jews and two clowns!" "Two Clowns? Why are you going to kill two clowns?" "See? Nobody cares about zee Jews." ***** A white woman and a black man are dancing at a club, and after a while things start to get hot and heavy. After some heavy kissing and petting, the woman makes the suggestion that they return to her apartment for the night. When the couple arrives at the woman's apartment, they begin passionately kissing and undressing each other, preparing to have frenzied and unrepentant sex with each other. However, the white woman, curious as she was, asked the black guy as he was taking off his pants, "before you take them off....is it true what they say about black guys?" With a suave yet sinister look, he looked into her eyes and said "baby, of course." He then proceeded to stab her and ran out with her purse. ***** Three pregnant women are sitting in a doctors waiting room knitting. Mom 1 checks her watch and takes a pill "Vitamin C, good for mom, good for baby." Mom 2 takes a pill and says, "Vitamin A, good for mom, good for baby." Mom 3 takes a pill and says, "Thalidomide...I can't knit sleeves." ***** How do you get a nun pregnant? Dress her up like an altar boy.
Only quoting you so you get a notification for these. Adam Lanza was trying to help Sandy Hook. He heard the library needed new books. Being autistic he was too stupid to realize giving them a bunch of magazines was NOT the same thing. The theater was packed for The Dark Knight Rises. James Holmes wanted a seat, but he had to wait for the crowd to die down first. The 6.5×52mm was an amazing rifle cartridge. JFK just couldn't get it out of his head.
The Catholic Clergy,Bishops and Popes!?! As well as the stupidist Joke costumes I know! Oh and the Joke of an election ,they have for the other 1 Billion catholics !
What's the difference between a pedophile and an atheist? One is a vile sociopath that robs children of their happiness, innocence, and hope. And the other one's a pedophile.
The thread is, "The most offensive JOKE," not the most offensive statement you can make. Learn the difference between humor and odor. Humor is a shift of wit.