Undervaccinated red states are nowhere near herd immunity as dangerous Delta variant spreads

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Durandal, Jun 11, 2021.

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  1. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Canada's Vaccination percentages clearly show U.S. Vaccination percentages have plateaued........

    JULY 4TH Vaccination percentages;


    One Dose Administered; 67.78%
    Fully vaccinated; 33.89%


    One Dose Administered; 55%
    Fully vaccinated; 47.5%

    JULY 10TH Vaccination percentages


    One Dose Administered; 70%...............up 15%
    Fully vaccinated; 42%...........................up 8%


    One Dose Administered; 55%................stalled
    Fully vaccinated; 48%............................up 0.5%


    NOTE; In nominal terms, the difference between Canada's 70% and U.S. 55% One Dose Administered; 332 million population MINUS 65 million age 17 and under = 267 million X a 15% differential = 40 million.

    NOTE: By the end of this week, Canada will likely surpass U.S. fully vaccinated

    NOTE: From Mid December 2020 to end of MAY 2021, U.S. led the world both One Dose Administered, and Fully Vaccinated.

    NOTE: Operation Warp Speed, once labelled as the ''8th Wonder of the World'', has now become Operation TURTLE Speed.

    Folks, it boils down to this;

    One of the main reason why U.S. has near 35 million Covid19 infections; Freedom to choose
    One of the main reason why U.S. has near 1.2 million Covid19 hospitalizations; Freedom to choose
    The main reason why U.S. had a Covid19 Summer Wave; Freedom to choose
    One of the main reason why U.S. has over 620,000 Covid19 Deaths; Freedom to choose
    The main reason why U.S. Vaccination percentages have stalled; Freedom to choose

    And the reason why we're no longer a ''Greater Good Society''; Freedom to choose
  2. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Well I wouldn't say this is new they just simply use fear to control you.

    Unless you have some autoimmune deficiency why would you be worried about covid most people don't even have any symptoms.
  3. Nemesis

    Nemesis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
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    To what end?
  4. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Freedom of choice, especially in mterms of what to do or not do with your body, is the most fundamental of basic freedom, w/o which no other freedoms matter.
    Just ask those who support a woman's right to an abortion.

    So, while you can -blame- the freedom of choice, you cannot -do anything- about the freedom of choice.
  5. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    The same end every government throughout history of all humanity wants more control.

    Government exists for the strict reason of control think about what the word to govern means

    When you can't get people to elect for more control than you scare them into it. We've seen this in our society with many things. In order to get people to discriminate against gay and lesbian people they created this fear campaign that homosexual men are going to come get your boys and inducted them into homosexuality.

    When our government wanted to stop people from using marijuana they created a propaganda movie meant to scare people and it has and the effects are still being felt to this day. Evidenced by the movie reefer madness.

    In fact I would say the only reason to lie to people is to control them. That's exactly why the truth shall set you free.

    I think people would be a lot more willing to go for the vaccine the government wasn't being so pushy about it. It's like these people have no idea what country they're in.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
  6. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Everyone has been doing it their whole whole life. When did it change? When you met a virus you didn’t like as much as others?
  7. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Ya know... even the CDC don't believe that. And for those of us who did all of those things, who are you trying to blame then? Only folks I ever saw breaking protocols were democratic politicians cause, ya know, the rules never applied to them. And otherwise, the CDC et al consistently got the science wrong, conflicted with their own guidance multiple times through out the pandemic. Free will? And frankly, when it comes to vanity virus making, and when the evidence demonstrates that this outbreak could have been prevented if only the virologists had simply not used a facility that was so inadequate for the experimentation they were engaged in there, yes, it could have never happened. So why be petty about how the world responded to such demonstrably poor performance and outright negligence?
  8. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    Everyone has been spreading illness yes, but only recently have they tried to claim doing so was an American right.
  9. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    I have no respect for the CDC anymore and zero faith in anything they say simply because they said it. Their bureaucratic lies and scandals have caused confusion and have been a constant source for COVID denying belligerents to further justify their misunderstandings. To hell with the CDC, to hell with the WHO, and to hell with the great tool Dr Fauci. They're basically all political entities and thus they're going to be wrong more often than they're right simply because they have to submit to the bias and partisanship of whoever signs their paychecks at any given time.

    Wear a mask, get vaccinated, stop contributing to super-spreading and we'll get through this. Or don't and we'll just keep generating new variants and pushing the infection rate and the death rate higher and higher. Look how rough it was for American with the the impacts of a 1 million dead COVID. Now imagine how it will be under a 5 million dead variant, a 20 million dead, a 100 million dead.
  10. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I think you have it backwards. Only recently has anyone cared much one way or the other. It’s been a non-issue for the most part. Perhaps if people knew the real death toll of influenza it would have been an issue before. Who knows.

    I still don’t see anyone spun up about mother’s not having the right to give Coxsackievirus infections to their children that are responsible for inducing type 1 diabetes. Maybe that will be the next big thing… :)
  11. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    The last large scale infectious scare we had, IIRC, was AIDS in the 80s. So its not to say that people haven't cared about the mass spreading of illness, we've certainly become complacent over the years and that's unfortunate. But I think you'll admit that COVID was the first time we radically swung the door the other way. Instead of just being disengaged from the matter of spreading illness, mass legions of people under COVID turned into willful spreaders most of which doing so because of a combination of politics and their own ignorant selfishness.
    Aleksander Ulyanov likes this.
  12. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Do you realize where the so-called :ignorance and belligerence" resulted from. The Biden Administration. There is no better indication then looking at it by race. To view that information, I used the KFG.com article. Granted, it does not include data from 12 states, but it is the best site that I found to cover this issue from a racist point of view. This site shows that 62% of Asians in this country have been vaccinated. This stands to reason, because the virus did originated in Asia (China). The next largest racial group is Whites at 47%. They are followed by Hispanics (39%) and Blacks (34%). Why are blacks and Hispanics so far behind? Could it be because they are not being offered the shots, or because they are the ones that you are talking about being being ignorant and belligerent? I have friends all races all over this country. I have asked, and they tell me that none of their states are excluding blacks. Further, most states are are setting up shot locations that specifically target the Black and Hispanic communities, but they are not showing up to get the shots. In the city that I live in, 76% of the population are Black, but there are only 39% fully vaccinated. Why would that be? Because President Biden sowed mistrust in the Vaccine by claiming that a safe Vaccine could not be created so quickly. The Administration changed their tune when Biden won the election, but that mistrust was still there. The Administration allowed the CDC to end mask requirements while the US was below herd immunity standards of 70%. As I pointed out would happen when the CDC announcement was made, the number of people getting shots dropped. Why get shots when you can claim to have been vaccinated by simply not wearing a mask? Then the Administration confused things further by telling people that they should be wearing mask even if they are fully vaccinated. That is to keep them and those they have contact with safe. If the vaccines do not keep you, and those around you, safe, then what are they good for? Now the vaccine manufactures want those vaccinated to get booster shots. I got my vaccine as soon as they were available to those in my age group. Now, less then three months later, I am supposed to get a booster? Is that because of the Delta Variant, or because the vaccine is not effective enough? If it is because of the Delta variant, then will I have to get a new booster every time this virus mutates? And if it is not effective enough, then how many times will I need to get a booster? Frankly, I find myself questioning whether getting these shots are really worth the efforts. Is the government really trying to end the virus, or simply trying to bolster the returns on their pharmaceutical company stocks.

    But then distrust has been the cornerstone of one specific individual that both the Trump and Biden Administration has relied on. That is Dr. Fauci. To begin with, he lied to the American people about their need for Masks. The CDC knew that the virus could be passed by human contact back in Jan 2020. Yet, Fauci pushed the claim that masks were only required if you are sick and treating the sick. Fauci later admitted that he knew this was a lie, but he claimed that he pushed the claim in order to keep masks available to medical staff and first responders. By not telling the public the truth, he allowed a lot more people to get infected then needed to be. I can not speak for everyone. But if you tell me that I need a mask to go into public, and masks are not available, I would have avoided to go into public. I luckily, did not get the virus, but knowing what I know now, I could have. Fauci, also had information that there were aspects of the virus that showed that it was manufactured, but hid that information. That means that the US could not investigate the real origins of the virus. Fauci hid the origins because he had allowed the US to fund the method, that had been banned in the US, at the very lab that the virus originated. Fauci was more concerned about his own repetitions, then addressing then stopping the spread of the virus in the US. He is a key reason that US citizens do not trust the government on this issue.
  13. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I find it fascinating the same type people who decriminalized willful spreading of AIDS are the most vocal about wanting to mandate Covid mitigations.

    It’s also interesting AIDS never killed as many as influenza but few are scared of the flu. The flu kills 20 times what AIDS does today annually.
    What blows me away is how many people were willing to take measures to prevent infecting strangers but wouldn’t do the same for their wives, husbands, lovers, kids, parents, etc. Crazy stuff.

    But yes, I agree. About 99% or more willfully took actions involving masks that are known to spread covid. But what do you do when that percentage of a population refuses to follow the best mitigations today’s science can provide?
  14. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Fearmongering or Public Awarness?

    Headline 'Surprising amount of death' will soon occur in these US regions from increased Covid-19 cases, expert says

    The US is averaging about 19,455 new cases over the last seven days, a 47% increase from the week prior, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. And a third of
    those, CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner said, come from five hot spots: Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri and Nevada.


    For the record.......

    11 July, 2021, Daily Deaths/7 day Moving Averages;

    Florida; 25/23
    Louisiana; 10/4
    Arkansas; 4/4
    Missouri; 0/0
    Nevada; 13/4


    Note: In two weeks, I will revise the above mentioned Daily Deaths/7 day moving averages, thus, check if this CNN expert was right.

    Meanwhile, are there any deniers?

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
  15. AZ.

    AZ. Banned

    Oct 19, 2017
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    It takes about 3 weeks, then watch the death count rise!....1/12/2021
    I say by beginning of August its going to get ugly again!
  16. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    You checked the information by CNN? You used the United States COVID: 34,748,358 Cases and 622,922 Deaths - Worldometer (worldometers.info)? Strange thing is that I checked that site, and did not find what you found. As a matter of fact, it showed US only had 10,983 new cases on the 11th, and only 6,416 today. It shows Florida had no new cases yesterday or today. As far as the 7 day rolling average is concerned, the number is currently 3064. So, where did you get those numbers from? Another website, US COVID-19 cases and deaths by state | USAFacts shows Florida's 7 day moving average to be 3400 cases. So, there is a difference between websites. So, CNN can pick an choose what they show their readers to make a false narrative.

    The overall claim is that the 5 states listed are going to have massive new cases and deaths because they have not reached the threshold of heard immunity. The thing is that that logic is not supportable. The number of cases will be reduced because they are still vaccinating their citizens. It further fails, because they do not take into account all those that contracted the virus, and have recovered. They now have the antibodies necessary to make them immune to the virus. Take the Florida has more then 2.2 million of their citizens that recovered from the virus. Florida has 47% of their population fully vaccinated. Add in the recovered population (and assume no overlap) then the total immune population grows to 57%.

    Here is some homework for you. If you do not actually do it, like in this case, do not bother responding. Because, I have done the work, and I will expose your false narrative like I have done on this post.

    Go to the US Facts website. Compare the number of 7 day rolling cases (2nd tab) and the percentage of vaccinated (3rd tab). You will see that the 7 day averages does not match the percentage vaccinated. Such as Mississippi has the lowest percentage fully vaccinated (33%), but they rank 20th in the 7 day moving average. Alabama also has 33%, and they rank 18th. You might want to also notice that no state have reached the herd immunity threshold of 70%.

    So, the facts do not support the CNN false narrative that you fell for.
  17. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Then there is also the fact that immunity already exists to some degree in 40% to 60% of the population based on blood T cell tests pre-Covid blood.

    The OP is fear porn for pushing the vaccines.
  18. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    What the phoook is your problem?

    The CNN Medical Expert stated; 'Surprising amount of death' will soon occur in these US regions from increased Covid-19 cases



  19. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    Yea I had that exact thought when I mentioned AIDS. But then what are progressive if not giant hypocrites?
    557 likes this.
  20. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    My problem is with people choosing a fake narrative media like CNN to promote political opinions where politics should not be relevant. Such as in the area of medical care. The so-called medial expert that Sanjay Gupta that works as if he is a paid spokesman for CNN sponsor Merck. His $12 million ($4 million from CNN) a year is a prime example of why healthcare costs are so high in this country. He is a puppet hired to push whatever false narrative that CNN or Merck wants people to believe.

    I review the data. CNN's article was from John Hopkins and the CDC. The problem is that their numbers do not match either website. You then backed their claim with numbers that you claimed was from the Worldmeters website. But your numbers were even more off then theirs. In return, I checked other Covid-19 tracking websites, a found a disparity of several hundreds cases per state, but nothing like CNN was claiming. I gave you the links to the websites, so you could check the information yourself, but you obviously didn't.

    The truth is that CNN's false narrative might just be based on the fact that they missed the mistake on the CDC numbers, and was parroted by John Hopkins. You should also note that the article that CNN took their data from was an attempt by John Hopkins paint a negative picture of the reopening of states. In other words. they used the CDC mistake to pan a false narrative. Then CNN took it a step further to push their own false narrative. But it all stems from the CDC mistake.

    Since, you will not do the research yourself, let me walk you through it. Go to the CDC website. You will find the link by moving your mouse prompt over "CDC" in the sentence above. If you click there, it will take you to that website. Now, look at the United States numbers. Today you will see 33,951,051 and +6453. That +6453 is supposed to be the number of new cases cases in the last 24 hours. Don't get to bent over the hilt about that number, because I am about to show you that it is wrong. Now, click on the word "Florida". You will see the cases number of 2,406,727 and +5790. Hold it the US overall new cases was 6453 and Florida alone had 5790? That means the other 49 states and DC combined for only 663 new cases? That seem highly doubtful. Well, it is, but we will get back to that in a minute. If you look to the right side of the screen, you will see a graph. You might notice that there is a gap in the graph. Click on the graph, and it will open. Now, move the mouse prompt to the line in the graph, you will see the numbers per day, and the 7 day rolling average. The gap in data is from 6/3 to 7/2. A month of data is missing. The rolling 7 day average shows something really weird too. When the data stops, the rolling 7 day average holds steady are 73 cases. On 6/3, the number show that there were 1878, and a rolling average of 900 cases. The problem with that is that there never was a day prior to 6/3 that was below 900. During the period of May 28 and 6/1, the numbers ranged between 2,338 and 1,234. That number 1,2,3,4, doesn't look right either. Especially, since the previous several days had totals above 1,400 per day. If you look at the graph carefully, you will notice sets of data that are identical per day, and that is followed by a sudden one day massive uptick. Like I said, the 6/2 number of new cases was 1,234. That was a decrease of 251 cases from 6/1 cases, and then on 6/3 there was a sudden increase of 644 cases on 6/3. There is no new data for a month, and the new cases and 7 day rolling average holds steady at 73 cases until 6/19 when the number changed to 74. Then on 7/2 the numbers of new cases jumped to 5,697. The next three days the numbers hold steady at 1841 until 7/7 when it goes to 1842, and then on 7/8 there is another spike. The number jumps by 2,069 cases to 3,911 and a rolling average of 1,899. So, the CDC numbers for total cases, and rolling averages are suspect at best. Remember how I pointed out that the CDC number of new cases for today is suspect? If you click on the link to California's numbers on the CDC website, you will find that they claim California numbers were 741. Add California's 741 to Florida's 5,790 and you already exceed the supposed 6,453 new cases for the US. So, no matter how you look at it, the CDC numbers are not accurate.

    If you go to the John Hopkins link that CNN used, you can see how the CDC mistake has translated into their graph. They claim that the information comes from https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19, but you can not view the raw data without requesting access through an institution. So, we will have to use the one available source from John Hopkins. These graphs display a rolling average on a line. If you click on the line it will display both 7 day rolling average and the total cumulative cases for that state. You might also notice that there is not a graph for the whole US. If you go to the Florida graph, then you see that there is a gap in the data, but it does not correspond directly to the CDC's gap. You will see that there is a reading for June 5th of 3,000 for a 7 day average. The next actual number posted was June 11 showing 11,454 cases for the running average. But if you notice that the number is not above the 10,000 cases line. It is well below it. The next data point listed is for June 18 at 10,095 cases. June 25 at 11,048, and then Jul 2 at 15,684. The last data point is for Jul 9 at 23,747. It is clear that the John Hopkins graph is attempting to fill in the data shortage provided by the CDC.

    What does all this mean? The CDC is taking short cuts in inputting data into their datasets. If they miss several days/month, they add the missed numbers together, and input that cumulative total under one day. This throws the rolling 7 day average completely out the window. It is obvious that the John Hopkins website used the CDC data to push the agenda that the US reopened too soon. CNN then used the John Hopkins data to push their fear mongering agenda against those that have not gotten the shots. I know that some are going to read this and think the CDC is skewing their numbers for political reasons, but I personally do not think they are that smart. The CDC, John Hopkins and CNN all think that their audience are too stupid or lazy to do their own research. Stop trying to prove them right!!!! If they tell me the sky is blue and the grass is green, I am going to research their validity.
  21. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    A whole lot of irrelevant info to me.

    All I care about is WILL Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, and Nevada's Covid19 Daily Deaths/Daily Deaths 7 day rolling averages ''suprisingly'' increase over the next several weeks?

    I'm a wise and intelligent man, thus, my response to CNN's Medical Analyst who predicted said INCREASE; We shall see.

    ''We shall see''

    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
  22. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    The answer is obvious. To get you to get the vaccines that the US Government has already paid for, and is big money for the pharmaceutical companies involved in the manufacturing of the Vaccines. I got the vaccine as soon as it was available in my area for my age group. I got it at the first facility that I could get it at. Which was the VA, and the only vaccine they were offering was the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. I got the second shot three weeks after the first shot as required. That last shot was at the end of April. Now, I have learned that Pfizer is pushing for a booster shot. They have not said when the shot will be needed, but you would imagine that it would be fairly soon, because it is supposed to address the Delta Variant that the CDC has given us mixed messages on whether the original vaccines will offer immunity to that variant. According to lying Fauci, the question is not about the effectiveness of the vaccines, but about the durability. They are questioning the durability just 2.5 months after I got the vaccine? If the vaccine requires a booster after just a few months, then it definitely a question of effectiveness. How many boosters, and I going to have to get over the next year? How about over the course of my lifetime?

    This looks like this is nothing more then a money making scheme by the pharmaceutical companies involved. .

    Dr. Anthony Fauci says talk of Covid booster shots doesn't mean vaccines aren't working (cnbc.com)
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
  23. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Funny... natural immunity from catching the virus is at least 9 months.
  24. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    How very liberal of you! Never let the facts get in the way of a good lie!! The CDC is posting false numbers, and the rest of the country are using those false numbers as gospel. But that is "irrelevant info to" you. The CNN expert (Dr. Gupta) is noting but a money grabbing parrot. He does not car about the facts, only the political agenda that CNN wants him to promote. In this case fear mongering.

    BTW, did you know that the CDC is reporting that there has not been a single COVID-19 death in the state of Florida since July 1st when there was supposedly 67 deaths. Of course there were no deaths reported on the CDC graph for the period of May 28 to June 22. On May 28 there was supposedly 86 deaths, and on June 22 there were 30 deaths. Then on June 23 the number of deaths jumped up to 71. Obviously, the CDC is running the same BS data entry for deaths as they are for new cases. So, any supposed uptick for any state will be taken with a grain of salt. Especially, if they are preceded by identical numbers or missing data prior to the supposed uptick.
  25. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    If you read my other posts, you will see that there are a lot of funny things going on in relations of COVID-19.

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