Undervaccinated red states are nowhere near herd immunity as dangerous Delta variant spreads

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Durandal, Jun 11, 2021.

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  1. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Better, but still not an accurate tracking. Notice that on the first line of bar graphs. It states that the tracking is for the past 10 weeks at the weeks start date. The problem is that the start states are not 10 days apart. They are 7 days apart. So, there is an overlap of three days. Further, your assuming that the state of Florida's DOH is using their own tracking, but that is not stated on the state's propaganda that you are referring to. Now look at Miami Herald's tracking site. It shows the same basic information, but states that the Data comes from "Source: Johns Hopkins University CSSE". So, is Florida doing their own tracking, or outsourcing it to John Hopkins. Remember, I have shown a direct correlation between the CDC data and that being disseminated by John Hopkins. So, no. This is not anymore accurate then the data that CNN and you referenced.

    \BTW, I thought you said that you verified the CDC numbers by the Worldmeter website. You even provided a link to that site. Strange how you are shifting tracks now, and claiming that you are using the Florida DOH numbers. Where did you get the supposed 25/23 numbers that you claimed? It obviously was not at the Worldmeter, CDC, John Hopkins or the Florida DOH website. So, where did they come from? Also, yes or no, did you check out what said about the CDC numbers?
  2. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Quote; Better, but still not an accurate tracking

    Phooook off!

    As long it will show an uptrend or a downtrend.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2021
  3. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Again, here is a link to the graph on John Hopkin's website for Florida Impact of Opening and Closing Decisions in Florida, New Cases - Johns Hopkins (jhu.edu)

    If you bother to go to this page you will see John Hopkins puts the first peak in cases for Florida was on July 16, 2020 at 13,965 cases. Somehow the cases dropped to a low of 1,415 cases on October 5, 2020.. From there is starts climbing again to a peak of 19,530 on January 8, 2021. This was around the time of the first doses of the vaccine being given in Florida, but the first does were limited to Healthcare workers and first responders. Now, move you mouse forward along the graph, and you will find May 24, 2021 and a reading of 1,978. The next reading is for May 25th and there are two reading for that date. The first is 1874 and the second is 2.327. So, which was the right reading for that day? The next readings are for May 26th and May 28th. Both days reading were over 23 hundred cases, but the graph still tracked downward. On June 2md, the reading was 1,234, and on June 5 it was exactly 3,000 cases. But both of those days tracked at the same level on the graph. After that the graph drops to 0 cases, and then jumps back up to June 11 at 11,464. There are only a few dates from that point. The last date entry was for July 9th. That is the 23,747 your Florida propaganda that you referenced. You will notice that it tracks on the spreadsheet well below the 10,000 bar. Why is that? Rhetorical question! I know the answer, and you refuse to admit it. You might want to check out the reading for Jun 28, 2020 and July 2, 2021. Those numbers are way off in comparison to those around it.

    Now, after reviewing all that, if you still believe that the Florida CDC, John Hopkins or Florida DOH are accurate and can be used to track trends, then you are not worth discussing this issue with. You obviously only have the ability to parrot what you are told, and can not think for yourself.

    And what you said to me, you can do to yourself, the horse you rode in on and it's mother!!!!
  4. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Enough of discrediting.

    Question; If not the State's Health and Human Services, which entity has accurate data, positivity rate, confirmed cases, number of hospitalizations, number of covid19 coded deaths?

    Which entity has accurate data?........YOU TELL ME!

    Note; Several of Florida's HSS Covid19 Data were also discredited by the Democrats.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2021
  5. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    First answer me:
    1. Did you actually research the CDC, John Hopkins, Worldmeter and Florida numbers like you claimed?
    2. Where did you 23/25 numbers that you supposedly quoted come from?
    3. How do you track a trend that is based on multiple days being batch loaded under one date?
    4. Do you understand that the sites in question 1 all use the CDC number as a base?
    Answer those four questions, that you keep avoiding, and I will let you know whether any of the tracking sites can be trusted. Hint: They can not be trusted if they rely on CDC's numbers.
  6. StillBlue

    StillBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Billy Joe Jimbob's stats place. "Whatcha need we'll get it!"
  7. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Take a look at something. Here is a link to the John Hopkins CSSE Covid tracking. I have shown that they are using the CDC numbers being shown here. But there is another CDC site that should be reviewed, and is probably more accurate. That site is here.. You see the CDC has the more accurate data, but has chosen to project a different picture. One that is clearly designed to give the image that things are far worse in certain states then in others. Compare the John Hopkins site, to each CDC site, and tell me which appears to me more accurate. Then try to convince me that there is a reason that the CDC is projecting a false picture is not for nefarious reasons.
  8. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    Covid is not even still around. The evidence that it is still around is a test, a fraud test that gives tons of false positives.

    If we all ignore the Covid liars, refuse the mask, absolutely refuse the shot, we will all be fine.

    And absolutely never allow yourself to be tested, as it is clear that is step 1 to allowing yourself to be offed to pad the stats of this never ending treasonous fraud.
  9. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Florida/DeSantis Department of Health, Weekly Covid19 Update

    New Cases For the past 5 weeks................Data include only Florida residents

    Jun 11 - Jun 17; 10.463
    Jun 18 - Jun 24; 18.804........up
    Jun 25 - Jul 1st; 16,031........up
    Jul 2nd - Jul 9th; 23,697.......up
    Jul 10th - Jul 16th; 45,604...up

    New Cases Positivity Rate for the past 4 weeks...................Data include only Florida residents

    Jun 11 - Jun17; 3.3%
    Jun 18 - Jun 24; 3.8%..........up
    Jun 25 - Jul 1st; 5.2%..........up
    Jul 2nd - Jul 9th; 7.8%.........up
    Jul 10th - Jul 16th; 11.5%...up

    Number of Covid19 Deaths..................Data include only Florida residents

    Jul 2nd - Jul 9th; 32
    Jul 10th - jul 17th; 59........up

    General Notes

    1. All data exclude persons known to reside outside Florida

    2. New case positivity, based on the number of people for whom the department received PCR or antigen laboratory results, is the number of people who test positive for the first time divided by all the people tested that week, excluding people who have previously tested positive


    It will be hard for a Republican TO DENY Florida/DeSantis Department of Health Covid19 Numbers.

    Once again, I don't care if Florida's DoH Covid19 numbers are accurate or not, but the fact is; In the last 5 weeks, Florida's positivity rate, number of daily cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have shown an Upward Trend.

    The Big question is; Has Florida achieved Herd Immunity?

    Answer: According to the below average intelligent people, YES!
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2021
  10. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    According to the Florida propaganda sheet that you keep using, the number of new cases are higher than at any time during this pandemic. Much higher than before the vaccines were first released. Why would that be? Maybe because the numbers are wrong?

    Here is another CDC website that paints a much different picture. Here is the CDC's numbers for the whole of the United States:
    CDC COVID Data Tracker

    Scan down the sheet to just below the graph, and you will see "Data Table for Daily Case Trends - United States". If you click on that section, you will see each daily readings. The top entry is for July 15, 2021. Those reading are 39,018 and a 7 day rolling average of 27,804. Yet, the document that you referenced says that Florida's 7 day average was 49,603. How can one state's numbers be higher than the sum of all 51 states and DC? Now, lets look at the graph for Florida. Use the drop down menu titled "Select a state or territory", and choose Florida. Now, if you look below the graph, you will see the real numbers for Florida. The states for July 15 was 8,225 and a 7 day average of 6,104. Now, which numbers are more believable?

    Here is my overall analysis. Yes, the number of cases are trending upwards. But not by as much as CNN, John Hopkins and the Florida DOH would have you believe. The current numbers are 73% lower than the states highest total reported on Jan 2, 2021. Additionally, tracking the percentage of positive tests is misleading at best. The current 11.5% positive is based on the 1,759 tests conducted on July 14. That means around 202 positive tests. Now, look at the date of Jun 11. It shows that the percentage of positive test were at 3.3%, but there were 56,265. That means that the number of positive test for that day was 1,857. While 11.5% looks much worse, it really isn't.

    Now, you can go on looking less then intelligent by insulting those that do not agree with you, or you can wise up and look at reality. Don't be a media puppet.
  11. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    YOUR Quote; ''Yet, the document that you referenced says that Florida's 7 day average was 49,603''

    You are totally bemused!

    Said 49,603 is a previous week total daily cases, and exclude non-residents, thus, NOT NOT NOT a 7 day average


    Thank you for revealing your IQ level.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2021
  12. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Who would deny/tarnish/discredit the following Covid19 Hospitalizations Datasite, AND considering the fact;

    1. This site reflects state-reported data, thus, NO NO NO CDC DATA

    2. All data are collected from the Department of Health of each State

    3. When a State differentiates between confirmed and suspected (probable) hospitalizations, we report only the confirmed hospitalizations.


    COVID-19 Hospitalization Tracking Project



    Covid19 Hospitalizations National Data. 15 July, 2021

    Total cumulative Covid19 hospitalizations; 1,178,055
    Current Covid19 hospitalizations; 17,403
    Currently in ICU; 2,424
    Currently on ventilator; 992

  13. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    ^ Not a medical doctor.
  14. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    So which is it?

    Does the vaccine not work


    Does the test give out false positives like Dems give out earmarks

    Vaccinated Texas democrats test positive.

    Explain that, "doc"
  15. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Quote: Covid is not even still around


    You're implying that State's Department of Health, and State's Laboratories, both RED and BLUE are falsifying their data.

    It resembles a Qanon Conspiracy poop to me.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2021
  16. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    If your beaked birdbrain can parrot it, then it must be true....

    Put your mask on!!!!

    And do not notice that fauXI himself told the Chinese the masks are useless....
  17. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Thank you for challenging me on this subject. Every time I go back to it I discover something new. I now see the flaw in the system.

    My bad on the 7 day rolling Average, I misread it, but then so did you. It actually says "New cases for the last 10 weeks". Additionally, the Florida DOH number for the week started on July 9 is 45,603. Not 49,603.

    Now, to see the flaw, you will have to actually go to two different websites. The first is the John Hopkins CSSE for Florida. The second is the CDC site for the state of Florida. Then open the Daily cases and trends section. Start with the CDC website. Scan down the daily entries. This supposed to be the daily numbers sent to Health and Human Services by each state daily. Now, as you scan down the entries look for multiple consecutive days with identical readings, or days with an entry of "0" followed by a large number of new cases the very next day. These are cause by someone taking shortcuts in their data entry.

    Now, take a look at the JH CSSE graph. You will see daily entries up until up until Jun 5th. Then there is a break in the data, and it restarts on June 11. From that point on, they went from daily readings to weekly cumulative readings, and people start freaking out. How can the numbers be so high? It is like blindfolding someone and telling them that you are going to give them an apple. Then busting them upside the head with an orange

    Now, let's see if we can put that number into prospective. The last time Florida's numbers were this high was around the middle of April of this year. Yet, if you look at the daily number of deaths from that timeframe it is about the same level as the current daily reading have been. So, a huge surge in new deaths will probably not happen. The good news from the Florida DOH sheet is that 59% of residents have had at least the first shot. and 51% have been fully vaccinated. They claim to be averaging more then 220,000 doses a week.

    So, in summary. The in June, everyone changed course from tracking daily counts to tracking a 7 day cumulative count. That is making things look worse then they really are. If you look at when this current surge in numbers start, it really does make sense. It is from a combination of the State reopening, combined with the changes of directives on the wearing of masks and the 4th of July holiday.
  18. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Quote: My bad on the 7 day rolling Average, I misread it, but then so did you. It actually says "New cases for the last 10 weeks". Additionally, the Florida DOH number for the week started on July 9 is 45,603. Not 49,603.

    At this stage, I no longer look for ''accuracy'', however, I prefer using State's DoH figures because most Republicans don't trust the CDC.

    Also, what matter most; Do State's Health figures, and/or other Tracking Org. figures show an upward trend, or downward trend?

    According to several State's health figures, an upward trend, both cases, hospitalizations, and number of deaths, and regardless how small the numbers are compared to previous surges.
  19. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    You still do not realize, or will admit what is happening. Most tracking sites use the JH CSSE site in quoting numbers. Those are the same basic numbers that the CDC uses. I believe what is happening is the H&HS has directed each state to send their numbers to both the CDC and JH CSSE. While the numbers parallel, there are also deviations. It is possible that one or the other is being more accurate in their data entry. And as far as I can tell, Florida is one of a very few that are submitting their data weekly. What is also obvious, Florida depend on the JH CSSE to do their calculations for their propaganda sheet. So, whether you are referencing the CDC, or one of the others, you still talking about the same numbers.

    The fact is that most states are seeing an uptick in new cases. Even states that have reached near herd immunity levels. Such as Vermont. On July 1 they reported 7 new cases, and then on July 13 they reported 26 new cases. Of course it has dropped since then. I tried to analyze the individual states trends using the daily reading, but in many states they are all over the place. Take Arkansas for example. On July 1 they reported 700 new cases, but then the next three days their numbers are in the 400's. Then it drops to 270 on July 6. For the next three days it is over 1000 new cases each days, and then drops to 671 for the next three consecutive days. It then jumps back over 1000 cases a day. There is not trend and the number of consecutive exactly duplicated numbers shows that (a) it is not accurate, and (b) no real trend can be derived. There is no way for me to know if the inaccuracy is on the part of the CDC, or the Arkansas DOH. So, I am guessing this is why most trackers are using the 7 day averages instead. So, let's look at this from that prospective, and use July 1 as a starting point.

    States that CNN targetted
    State July 1 July 16 % increase

    Florida 1839 6490 353%
    Louisiana 389 1198 307%
    Arkansas 700 1342 198%
    Missouri 442 1912 203%
    Nevada 492 717 147%

    Now those numbers look pretty bad, and Florida and Louisiana are the two highest that I spot checked. But let's look at some states that CNN did not target.

    California 1331 2486 187%
    New York City 187 406 217%
    DC 9 28 400%
    New Jersey 217 353 162%
    Texas 1457 2733 188%
    Virginia 181 360 199%

    Why didn't these states/cities make CNN's list? Because it is noting but spin. At first the omission of Texas was a surprise, but then I remembered two things happening in that state. The first is the Border Patrol releasing illegals into the state with only the unreliable short term test. The second is the Democrat lawmakers dodging the Texas Rangers by fleeing to DC to keep from doing their jobs. In the process, creating their own super spreader event.

    So, the numbers of new cases in most states are going up. Even those that are claiming near herd immunity levels of vaccinated. And CNN's article was noting but liberal spin BS!!!
  20. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    In reference to ''State's Health'' reported Covid19 Figures


    As of Jul 18, 2021

    Number of Cases; 31,478,185........TMK, lowest among all tracking entities
    Number of Deaths; 575,674.........TMK, lowest among all tracking entities

    TMK; To my knowledge

    Source; Official reports from state health officials

    ENTER ''Official reports from state health officials''

    Read/scroll down the NOTES...........QUESTION; Were State's Health Covid19 Data UNIFORMLY Reported?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2021
  21. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Did you read the notes for Florida:

    "On January 1, 2021, Florida did not publish an update due to the New Years holiday."
    "On May 29-31, 2021, Florida did not publish updates due to the Memorial Day holiday weekend."
    "On June 4, 2021, Florida stopped publishing daily updates and will instead release a weekly report."

    As I pointed out, Florida changed the way they tracked the numbers. I have already shown that the JH CSSE data and the Florida DoH sheet are the same numbers. But look at the CDC numbers here. There is a difference in the actual numbers. All four sites claim that they are using the State's Reports, but their numbers are not identical. The Wikipedia page claims that it is using the State's reports, but their readings are identical to the JH CSSE. It should be noted that JHU has a biased reasoning behind their information. Their stated intentions is to show that the states reopened too soon. Of course, Florida was one of the very first to reopen, so they are a target. I am not saying that they are specifically skewing the numbers, but all these sources claim they are using the same information and getting different readings.
  22. nopartisanbull

    nopartisanbull Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Look, since the beginning of the pandemic, and on a daily basis, I've been tracking down, comparing and analyzing the numbers from several sources, both domestic and abroad, and I got tired of doing the same thing over and over”. Thus, said ''fatigue'' explains my lack of interest of substantiating your eye-opening, and valid points.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2021
  23. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Now that is an opinion certainly not backed up by facts or common sense. No corona virus has been beaten. We have learned to live with them. There is nothing at all suggesting that this corona virus will be beaten. Only hopes and government promises. Sorry to see your disregard for freedom.
  24. Melb_muser

    Melb_muser Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 13, 2020
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    We've beaten Covid several times in Australia & New Zealand communities. It slips back through our quarantine systems.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2021
  25. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    If it slips back then it was never beaten.

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