All religions that CLAIMS God does not exist is just plain wrong. Not only is it wrong but it is misguided and has done more harm to us as a species than just about anything else. How many deaths have occurred as a result of the idiotic idea that man can destroy God? Any person that believes in such fairy tales as there being no God should be certified in the loony bin.
the idea to 'deny' god is kind of weird because then it requires you to believe, experience and/or know a description of 'god'. I can agree............. to deny the BS of the religious wingnuts need extreme logic, a strong mind and the ability to understand the history of human beings or just integity denying 'god' is kind of unrealistic because the only thing of all existence that fits the descriptions of 'god' are nature (existence itself/the universe) or the fignewtons of the imagination (like a zeus on a thrown) and in both cases, it aint 'god' making the descriptions, it is people. So you are basically denying what BS people claim (what the wingnuts (liars) are renting).
Didnt miss that at all, To deny god is NOT egotistical nor is it a quirk of ones personality. To BLINDLY believe in something that there is no proof of is rather sheepish though. To deny the FACT that religon is noting more than a business ( how did the Vatican become so rich ) is rather childish.
I will take a few examples of harm religon has caused us... The crusades The inquisition The Islamic zelots The numerous priests that have raped kids and then been hidden away by the church The brainwashing of the human species. and the list goes on and on. All this for fairy tales? And All religions can be put in this pile really...
I find the Catholics the worst by far. Throughout history the atrocities committed in the name of that silly religon and ridiculous book are vast and horrifying.
Unfortunately, man falls far from the perfection of God and subsequently does not have that same full ability of forgiveness that God has. Your changing a comment simply because you got caught, does not eliminate the original comment. Your words went forth to accomplish, but they backfired and you got caught. Now you expect man to forgive you ... others might, but for the record, I will simply let God judge you on the intent of your heart.
Pink elephants in tutu's have MORE relevance to the world today than your imaginary god...Now keeping that in mind how does your last statement further this convo at all..
I'm sorry...I'm just gonna walk away from this one. I perceive you are just not of the quality that makes discussion with you worthy of my time. I'm sure you'll just see it as if I'm afraid of your stunning intellectual prowess. I can live with your delusion. Be well.
There is relevancy and I hope one day the connection/relationship of religion and science will be seen by more. The extremists on both sides are to blame for this and the imbalances are the cause for much of the problems.
How does that statement fit in with past atrocities such as burning at the stake and the crusades? Not that i am having a go at you just want to get your opinion on it.
Two of my favorite quotes on religion are: I am no man of organized religion nor do I ignore the atrocities of the past. The crusade resulted from the emperor in Constantinople extending the hand of Christian brotherhood to the Pope requesting help to stem the flow of invaders who were chipping away at his empire. He requested only a handful of knights, but he got a rag tag army who were told they had a pass to salvation for taking part in the crusade. It did slow the spread of Islam into Christian land for a time, but it soured relations since then. If anything it united the Islamic resolve when at the time it was so divided. Bad men have used religion for unreligious purposes often violating tenets of their faith.
From your perspective and using that form of logic that you prefer, I suppose that your comment could be considered as 'a truth', but even though one considers your comment as "a truth", does not mandate that your comment be "the truth". It is not within me to be "keeping that in mind". I prefer to discard it along with a lot of the other garbage that is spilled into this forum.
So you are saying it didnt add and nor can you add because you have an irrational belief in something that is a fairytale. Ok lets try this another way. How can the irrational belief in god ( and just for the sake of being easy ) the bible and all that goes with it be relevant in todays world of science, and tangible proof.
By that standard i would say the whole Roman catholic empire is bad and used for making money. The vatican city is one of the richest city's in the world...
Somebodies Numerology has failed and they have to blame it on Christianity. Hey Stones... you do realize that all you have is a theory. You cannot go back in time and run the numbers on different time line, so you are just speculating. In other words.... YOU DON'T KNOW what you are talking about.
I think he is MORE on the right track than you. He has a point too, during the "Christian" dark ages the church stifled science and even now buts in on issues that it shouldnt.
Was he there during the dark ages? Were you there during the dark ages? Do either of you in TRUTH KNOW what took place in that period of time? No? Then guess what. All you are doing is playing the numbers racket that was practiced during that time... Numerology... When the numerology racket was not able to put God in a box, then numerology (science) took a nose dive. Science (numerology) stuck its nose into areas that it was not able to handle and is still not able to handle. If you want to blame the failure of numerology during that time, on anything, then blame it on the arrogance of those who then practiced numerology (science) and blame it still further on the ones today who attempt to continue that practice and still are trying to put God in a box of numbers.
Which in turn makes it all for nothing. Life sucks, we have to endure it until death. And then we get nothing in return for doing so. That just sucks.
Not trying to "put god in a box" simply saying that religion is irrelevant and people that believe in god are weak minded fools.
LOL. You are just expressing an opinion. I thought you were gonna try to prove what you are saying? How silly of me to think that you might have had such an ability.
Prove to me that a/ god is real b/ religon is relevant in todays world if you cant do it just say so.
I would ask the same question of all in this thread a/ prove that god is real b/ prove that religon is relevant in todays world