Libs, get a clue.It isn't Whites or racism holding Blacks down.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Marine1, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    With all the racism Liberals want to say there is today, it's not racism that is holding Blacks down. It's not racism that is causing so much trouble. If you want to put the blame on one main cause of what is wrong, you only have to look at the Black birth rate of unwed Black mothers, raising kids without a father. That is the biggest problem we have with Blacks today. Yes Liberals you have preached to women that they should have complete freedom of their bodies and they are doing it. We have done away with most of the moral code most of us older people grew up with. Morals now is what you want to make of it. We have made religion the bad guy. We no longer expect people to try and help themselves to make a better life for themselves. We'll get government to fill your needs. Sit back and we'll redistribute the wealth for you.
  2. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    You're absolutely right. The left and maybe the right to some extent has again made slaves out of blacks, promising that welfare will bring them freedom, when welfare actually IS the slavery.
  3. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    No reasonable person has made that stupid claim you have above; or at least, that is not what many are saying today.

    And only an abject FOOL cannot factor-in the effect of oppressive behavior,or words upon an entire group of American people. I mean, I have seen my fellow White Americans scream to BLOODY HELL, whenever they catch even a suggestion that some "right" or "tradition" of their is about to be affected. That cannot be denied or overlooked; it is a part of the landscape of this nation's culture.

    So, here in a forum where there are predominantly White Americans, suggesting that what Black Americans have endure historically has not or does not affect them, is literally the Phil Robertson commentary ON STEROIDS!! *******n!! What the FRACK is your problem??!! Why the BLINDNESS to AMERICAN CULTURE??!!

    What damned PART of this society AS A WHOLE are White Americans RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTRIBUTING TO??!!

    Please, stop... with this RACIST approach, where some lone-White-guy proceeds to points at and accuse one or ALL African Americans with dire accusations... then PRETEND that his history, heritage and culture are SOMEHOW DISASSOCIATED to the same. I've been around long enough and been deeply involved enough with White American Culture to KNOW that is nothing but excrement from a horse's ass. STOP IT... IT IS NOT HELPING YOU NOR AMERICA!!

    Yes, Black people have problems... but DAMN... how much of that BS do you think you can say, and be helpful. Honestly... DO YOU SEE ANYTHING WRONG with WHITE AMERICANS???!!! Anything? (Please... be reasonable. The racist approach is such a problem in this society, I cannot express it fully.)

    Angry Black man here/now? Yes, that is so. And clearly for good reason. When I see my fellow Americans praising the Duck Dynasty-esque old racist attitudes and fondly referring to many of the most oppressive thoughts of this nation's heritage... I have to react or respond to that.

    Come on Americans!! Stop this insipid, childish, selective finger-pointing!! No one who is American, could/should look at or refer to Black Americans (as a whole) and express the kind of foolishness reflected in the OP; it's just too much bias and nonsense to address overall. It is indicative of an AMERICAN problem; not one that just Black Americans must surely deal with.

    I'm tired of it being put out there like that, and all Americans should be as well. That approach will NEVER lead to a proper solution; never.
  4. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Talk to the hand, because the face doesn't want to hear it... I don't want to "put the blame on one main cause." No, you do because you're a father worshiper.

    Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with fatherhood, but life isn't a one size fits all type of deal there are matters of the heart that transcend your picturesque, traditional family.


    And, yes, we can tell when things aren't working out between you and yours, and I don't know what you've heard but masquerading as living dolls is downright creepy...
  5. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    And thats exactly where the left wants them. An welfare recipient is a guaranteed vote when your option is not eating.
  6. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    One size doesn't fit all. But all you hear out of the Left and Blacks is accusing people of racism, racism, racism as if that is the problem. Racism isn't the problem. You will always have some racism on all sides. While we can't blame raising children without fathers as the only problem, it is the major problem that Blacks and Liberals refuse to face. Many of the problems we have today with both Black and White can be traced back to fatherless children. It is worse with Blacks, because there is three times as many Blacks being raised without the guidance of a father.


    According to the modern-day civil-rights establishment, most of the problems that currently afflict African Americans result directly from the intractable white racism that allegedly continues to plague blacks in every region of the country -- across all age groups, all educational levels, and all income brackets. This civil-rights elite largely ignores the role of issues within the black community, such as the calamitous breakdown of the black family since the 1960s, in framing its critique.

    In mid-1960s America, the nation's out-of-wedlock birth rate (which stood at 7.7 percent at the time) began a rapid and relentless climb across all demographic lines, a climb that would continue unabated until 1994, when the Welfare Reform Act put the brakes on that trend. Today the overall American illegitimacy rate is about 33 percent (26 percent for whites). For blacks, it hovers at near 70 percent—approximately three times the level of black illegitimacy that existed when the War on Poverty began in 1964.
  7. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    While the overall black poverty rate remains about two-and-a-half times higher than the white poverty rate (24 percent vs. 10 percent), the “face” of black poverty has changed dramatically in recent decades. At one time, almost all black families were poor, regardless of whether one or both parents were present. Today, however, two-parent black families are rarely poor. Among black families where both the husband and wife work full-time, the current poverty rate is a mere 2 percent. Moreover, the relatively small (13 percent) income disparity between black and white two-parent families completely disappears when we take into account such factors as occupational choices, educational attainment, age, geographic location, and comparative skills.

    Children in single-parent households are raised not only with economic, but also social and psychological, disadvantages. For instance, they are four times as likely as children from intact families to be abused or neglected; much likelier to have trouble academically; twice as prone to drop out of school; three times more likely to have behavioral problems; much more apt to experience emotional disorders; far likelier to have a weak sense right and wrong; significantly less able to delay gratification and to control their violent or sexual impulses; two-and-a-half times likelier to be sexually active as teens; approximately twice as likely to conceive children out-of-wedlock when they are teens or young adults; and three times likelier to be on welfare when they reach adulthood.

    In addition, growing up without a father is a far better forecaster of a boy’s future criminality than either race or poverty. Regardless of race, 70 percent of all young people in state reform institutions were raised in fatherless homes, as were 60 percent of rapists, 72 percent of adolescent murderers, and 70 percent of long-term prison inmates. As Heritage Foundation scholar Robert Rector has noted, “Illegitimacy is a major factor in America's crime problem. Lack of married parents, rather than race or poverty, is the principal factor in the crime rate.”

    Since the black illegitimacy rate is so high, these pathologies plague blacks more than they affect any other demographic. “Even if white people were to become morally rejuvenated tomorrow,” writes black economist and professor Walter E. Williams, “it would do nothing for the problems plaguing a large segment of the black community. Illegitimacy, family breakdown, crime, and fraudulent education are devastating problems, but they are not civil rights problems.”

    The civil-rights establishment, however, paints a very different picture, characterizing such problems as nothing more than by-products of white racism. That view, through decades of constant repetition, has won the minds of many black Americans. “Instead of admitting that racism has declined,” observes Shelby Steele, “we [blacks] argue all the harder that it is still alive and more insidious than ever. We hold race up to shield us from what we do not want to see in ourselves.”
  8. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    WASHINGTON — Many of the same social problems highlighted in a landmark 1965 study on black family structure have only worsened over the last 48 years and are now causing similar hardship for white and Hispanic families.

    That’s a major finding of a new report by the Urban Institute, a liberal think tank, which re-examines the circumstances of black families nearly five decades after former Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan authored the controversial report, “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action.”

    Moynihan was an assistant secretary in the Department of Labor in the 1960s when his report cited the breakdown of the nuclear family as the main cause of problems in the black community.

    The so-called Moynihan Report looked at societal disparities between white and black families and the need for government action to address them. It focused on high rates of unemployment, crime, poverty, unwed parenting and other social ills that formed a “tangle of pathologies” that steered many black families into a continuing cycle of poor education, limited job prospects and dysfunctional long-term poverty.

    The report argued that the rise of female-headed black households diminished the authority of black men within their families, leaving them unable to serve as responsible fathers and providers, partly because of their limited job prospects.

    Many African-American leaders criticized the report at the time, saying it was ripe with stereotypes and played down the effects of institutional discrimination and racism. Others said the report “blamed the victim” for the causes and consequences of poverty.

    While African-Americans have made substantial progress in high school graduation rates, college enrollment, income and home ownership rates since the 1960s, vast disparities still remain in comparison to whites on a multitude of social measures, said Gregory Acs, director of the Urban Institute’s Income and Benefits Policy Center.

    And while many social problems are still disproportionately centered in the African-American community, they have also increased in the larger non-black society.

    Consider that in the early 1960s, about 20 percent of black children and just 2 to 3 percent of white children were born to unmarried mothers, while the rate of unwed Hispanic births was somewhere in between.

    By 2009, nearly 75 percent of black births, 53 percent of Hispanic births and 29 percent of white births were outside of marriage, according to the report.

    A decline in marriage rates has followed the same path. In 1960, more than half of all black women were married, along with more than 66 percent of Hispanic and white women. By 2010, just 25 percent of black women, 40 percent of Hispanic women and half of white women were married.

    “That the decline of traditional families occurred across racial and ethnic groups indicates that factors driving the decline do not lie solely within the black community, but in the larger social and economic context,” the report finds.

    Acs said that the Moynihan report’s main conclusion about the importance of traditional families has been vindicated by research that shows children from two-parent families typically fare better educationally, financially and emotionally.

    “Family structure is important,” he said. “Fathers do matter.”

    To improve prospects for struggling black families, the report calls for reducing structural barriers to black economic progress, enhancing the incentives for working in the mainstream economy and improving family dynamics.

    Read more here:
  9. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Meanwhile, I argue, that there were other circumstances going on, including: Blockbusting that real estate practice of steering Black families into the poor, crime ridden neighborhoods and then turning around and scaring the while landowners to sell their property at a loss through the fear that black neighbors would show up and turn their quiet neighborhoods into crime ridden slums. This disadvantaged the Black families. And this type of Housing Segregation was also a ploy to devalue land so investors could scoop it all up, improve property values to maximum levels, and price the new Black land owners out of the area. Then the investors would turn around and sell the land at high prices.

    This plot went on for a whole century. This was just made illegal through strict laws in the 1980s. 1980s!!! That's like the decade I was born. My generation, the Millennials, is the first generation to live in a world where Blockbusting is illegal. You want to talk about generations of wealth building??? Well, this generation right here, right now is the first one not to be disadvantaged by land sharks. The new Black families starting out today, who were raised as children in the 1980s, these families are generation zero...

    Let's talk about demographic trends again in like 30 years and see if the problems are still going on...
  10. Cdnpoli

    Cdnpoli Banned

    Sep 8, 2013
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    What moral code? In your generation it was fine to drink and drive and physically abuse your wife and children.
  11. CaptainAngryPants

    CaptainAngryPants New Member

    Sep 17, 2013
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    Black folks sure are lucky to have so many white folks around to tell them that they aren't having a problem with racism.
  12. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    We can't depend on the Left telling them the real problem, when the word racism is the third most used word in the Liberal language. Heaven forbid if you tell them the truth.

    No, my generation didn't believe in beating their wives anymore than they do today. But they did believe it's not wrong to spank your kids when they acted up or didn't listen. You were taught them to respect your parents. Something missing from today's society. They were even disciplined in school by the teacher, with a paddle or ruler if they acted up.. Unlike today, we had little problems of kids acting up in school. They were taught at an early age and it carried through to Jr High and high school. How is that working out for you today. Now we take the parent out of the house and charge him with a crime if he spanks his kid. The teacher can no longer discipline them. Along with no longer being able to control her classroom. We have screwed everything up, trying to make things better.
  13. cjm2003ca

    cjm2003ca Active Member

    May 8, 2011
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    this what i have been saying for years...its the design of the dems policy to keep the poor in projects and they have np way to escape or better themselves..they do this on purpose..for stupid votes for the dem politicians not what is good for the poor...
  14. CaptainAngryPants

    CaptainAngryPants New Member

    Sep 17, 2013
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    I have no idea what corporal punishment has to do with racism.
  15. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    It doesn't. the guy before your post talked about my generation likes to beat his wife. I got lazy and answered both of your posts at once without putting his in quotes.

    The statistics are all there as to the major problem is with Blacks and to a big degree, with other races too. It's not racism as the Left seems determined to make it out to be. It's the disintegration of the family unit. We work to fix that and we'll go a long way of fixing much of our problems. Especially poverty and crime. But also school drop outs and fatherless births.
  16. rexob715

    rexob715 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    And you wonder why poor people don't respect the GOP/conservative party??? Its because of this above!

    No, its not where we want them. We would prefer they be considered equal human beings and have the same opportunity that whites have....................and attempting to provide this for them(since no private party or company is willing to do so), then its no wonder that our government has to step up to the plate.

    But to think this is for chicanery is blatant dishonesty.
  17. rexob715

    rexob715 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Again, not one of us is promoting the notion that racism is ALL of their problems(who knows why you keep saying this despite many people telling you otherwise)..............we just understand it to be a huge problem and a barrier for them to live in a society as an equal. The ones that are promoting racism as the ONLY problem are wrong.
  18. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    You might be telling me that, but that isn't what post after posts say. Any Con on this board will admit the Left uses the word racism every chance they get. How many threads or posts have you seen put up by the Left that will address fatherless kids as being a major problem? I haven't seen one, not one that will start out that way. They won't touch it.
  19. rexob715

    rexob715 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Again, when are you going to understand that liberals don't say that racism is the ONLY problem. You keep trying to make stuff up though. Let's see how long it takes before it becomes true!
  20. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    No one is saying racism that the Left is accusing me or the Right of saying racism is all the problem facing Blacks. But that is just about all the Left talks about. There is racism in this country and it isn't limited to White racism and it's not as wide spread as the Left wants to think it is. If it were, Obama would never gotten to be President. I am a firm believer that most racism comes about not because of one's color, but of conduct. When you have Blacks making up only 13% of the population and committing over 50% of almost all major crimes, you can expect racism. Cut crime and it will also lift Blacks up. Quit school and get put in jail or prison for committing a crime, you have cut your chances of getting a good job, 90%. It all works together. The Left is only dealing with the end results and not trying to tackle the problem. They deny the problem and blame it mostly on racism. Things will only get worse until Democrats and Black leaders get real.
  21. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    How is it you know what black peoples problem is?

    Are you black? Were you or any of your relatives or ancestors ever slaves in America?

    If not, how can you claim to know something of their situation in America?

    And what other minority in America were brought there and held as slaves there for hundreds of years and even still mis-treated after emancipation?
  22. teeko

    teeko New Member Past Donor

    Jul 17, 2008
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    How long are blacks going to dwell in the past. No one has it easy. You have to get up and make a life. And that goes for all races. Stop whining and do something.
  23. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    My God you have to be blind not to see the problem. You don't have to be Black to see the problems. I have said the same thing for years. I found two web sites that are saying the same thing I have said.Obama has been saying the same things and Jessie Jackson was caught on an open mike saying he'd like to cut Obama's nuts off for saying it. Bill Cosby has been saying the same thing and more and the NAACP wanted to crucify him for it. Colon Powell has spoken out on it along with several other famous Blacks. The ones that don't want to hear it it seems to be Liberals and Black leaders. They don't want to face the truth. It's easier to blame Whites and racism than trying to fix the problem. Hell you won't even admit to the problem.

    Don't blame slavery for the problem. None of the Blacks today were slaves and neither was their father or grandfather.
  24. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    No, there's no racism in America.
    Mod edit:deleted members names
  25. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    When Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton keep yelling racism, and blathering about slavery that ended 149 years ago it is becomming a joke like the little boy that yelled wolf too often.

    What they are not talking about is personal responsibility. The BS that everyone owes blacks something because of slavery almost 150 years ago is stupid. I never owned slaves, my father didnt, my grandfather didnt, and my great grandfather didnt. I owe blacks NOTHING, and neither do any other white people in the country. It is time blacks HTFU and get some personal responsibiliy and quit blaming others.

    - - - Updated - - -

    When Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton keep yelling racism, and blathering about slavery that ended 149 years ago it is becomming a joke like the little boy that yelled wolf too often.

    What they are not talking about is personal responsibility. The BS that everyone owes blacks something because of slavery almost 150 years ago is stupid. I never owned slaves, my father didnt, my grandfather didnt, and my great grandfather didnt. I owe blacks NOTHING, and neither do any other white people in the country. It is time blacks HTFU and get some personal responsibiliy and quit blaming others.
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